
test_that("name_stages works correctly", {
  s <- as.integer(10) # matrix dimension

  # generate lists of matrices
  x1 <- replicate(2, matrix(runif(s^2), s, s), simplify = FALSE)

  y1 <- name_stages(x1)
  expect_true(inherits(y1, "list"))
  expect_true(inherits(y1[[1]], "matrix"))
  expect_identical(nrow(y1[[1]]), s)

  y2 <- name_stages(x1[[1]])
  expect_true(inherits(y2, "matrix"))
  expect_identical(nrow(y2), s)

  y3 <- name_stages(x1[[1]], prefix = "", left_pad = FALSE)
  expect_identical(rownames(y3), as.character(1:s))

  y4 <- name_stages(x1[[1]], names = LETTERS[1:s], prefix = NULL)
  expect_identical(rownames(y4), LETTERS[1:s])

test_that("name_stages warns and fails gracefully", {
  s <- 10 # matrix dimension
  sp1 <- s + 1

  # generate lists of matrices
  x1 <- x2 <- replicate(2, matrix(runif(s^2), s, s), simplify = FALSE)
  x2[[3]] <- matrix(runif(sp1^2), sp1, sp1)

  # passing wrong object types
  expect_error(name_stages(list("a", "b", "c")))

  # passing list of matrices with different dimensions

  # overwriting existing stage names

  # supplying both prefix and names arguments
  expect_warning(name_stages(x1, names = LETTERS[1:s]))

  # incorrect number of stage names
  expect_error(name_stages(x1, names = letters[1:(s - 1)], prefix = NULL))
jonesor/Rage documentation built on April 3, 2024, 7:47 a.m.