Man pages for jonesor/rcolony
Tools for implementation and visualisation of Colony2 and its outputs

build.colony.inputA wizard-like function to help build Colony2 input files.
categoricalxyA function to plot 2 dimensional categorical data as...
get.colony.dataThis function creates a data object from the Colony2 outputs.
get.interm.dataA function to collect intermediate data produced by Colony2...
get.parentageA function to extract the paternity and maternity information...
monitor.colonyA function to monitor the intermediate results of the...
plotsibsA function to plot sibships (full and half-sibs) in an x-y...
rcolony-packageTools for implementation and visualisation of Colony and its...
run.colonyA function to run Colony2 from within the R environment.
run.colony.deprecatedA function to run Colony2 from within the R environment.
testdataExample dataset for the rcolony package
jonesor/rcolony documentation built on May 8, 2019, 11:18 p.m.