Man pages for jonkeane/mocapGrip
Illusion-Grip Motion Capture Package

addAnalysesToRunadd models to the analysesToRun list.
addNewDataSetsExtract new dataSets from a data object that includes...
ceilingFinderProcessing function for finding means or medians within a...
checkDatacheck the form of data object
checkmodelMetadataCheck that modelMetadata conforms to the standard
checkVariablesToUseCheck that modelMetadata has all the variables and...
displayAnalysesToRundisplay the models that are set to run for all data
displayAnalysesToRunOnedisplay the models that are set to run for one dataSet
extractMocapDataFromAnnotationsExtract (and check) annotations from elan files.
findTheBestModelPick one model as the best
fitModelsFit the right models based on the name of the dataset being...
fixPathsFix the paths of elan files
installPyelanInstall pyelan from source
makeElanFilesMake (blank) elan files from motion capture, video, and audio...
makeReportMake a full report from data
maxGripFinderProcessing function for finding maximum grips
meanMedianFinderProcessing function for finding means or medians
meanMedianSubsetFinderProcessing function for finding means or medians of a subset...
modelAllDataModel all data in a data object
modelMetadatamodel analysis structure, and explanation information
processDataSettakes a dataSet and data, and gives back a list with the...
pureReplicationPure replication data for reach to grasp and estimation of...
readExtractedMocapDataRead extracted motion capture data
readModelMetadatareads model metadata from a specially formated json file
removeAnalysesToRunadd models to the analysesToRun list.
writeCSVsFromDatawrite csvs of data from a data object
writeMarkdownWrite markdown based on modeled data
writeModelMetadatawrites model metadata from a specially formated json file
jonkeane/mocapGrip documentation built on May 19, 2019, 7:30 p.m.