makeReport: Make a full report from data

Description Usage Arguments Value


takes a data object, fits (and finds the best) model, and then produces a report based on the provided analysisSkeleton and narrative found in modelMetadata. This will write two files: a polished html-based report (with the extension .html) and an intermediary R Markdown file that this html report is made from (with the extension .Rmd). For the most part, the R Markdown file can be ignored, the polished html report is the final product.


makeReport(data, reportPath = "./report", title = "Grip Project Report",
  refitModels = FALSE, modelMd = modelMetadata, ...)



A list conforming to the structure of data for the project from extractMocapDataFromAnnotations (an example of this is the pureReplication object). If this data object includes fit models, they will not be refit by default.


a string with the path and name of the report to be made, by default it is: "./report" The final report will have this name (and path), and the extension .html Any extensions on the reportPath (like .Rmd or .html) will be ignored.


a string for the title of the report, the default is "Grip Project Report"


logical, if there are models that are already fit, should they be refit? Default: FALSE


a modelMetadata object. If you have loaded a different modelMetadata object that you would like to use, place it here. The default is 'modelMetadata' which comes with the package.


options to pass to modelAllData, (e.g. last=TRUE if the last model that converged should be selected rather than the default (last=FALSE) first).


Returns a data object (with all of the same data as the data object given in the data argument) with all of the models that were fit included.

jonkeane/mocapGrip documentation built on May 19, 2019, 7:30 p.m.