
Defines functions bin_adjust cut_breakpoints

# Helper function for both cut.integer and cut.ordered
# Takes numeric x input along with a scalar breaks argument, and produces
# evenly spaced integer bins

cut_breakpoints <- function(x, breaks, right, include.lowest) {

  # assertive checks not necessary since this function should only ever be called
  # internally after inputs have already been checked

  range <- max(x) - min(x) + 1
  avg_bin_width <- floor(range / breaks)
  rem <- range %% breaks
  num <- breaks + 1

  # if data range can be evenly split into desired number of breaks
  if (rem == 0) {
    breakpoints <- seq(from = min(x) - 1, by = avg_bin_width, length.out = num)
    breakpoints[1] <- min(x)

    # if data range can't be evenly split into desired number of breaks
  } else if (rem != 0) {

    # make leftmost bins slightly larger
    if (right == FALSE) {

      # start from the right and work backwards creating the breakpoints
      # then reverse the vector to get it in the correct direction
      breakpoints <- rev(seq(from = max(x), by = -avg_bin_width, length.out = num))
      # set correct point (lowest value) for first breakpoint
      breakpoints[1] <- min(x)

      # allocate remaning 'bin space' by widening intervals starting from
      # the left
      for (i in 1:rem) {
        breakpoints[i + 1] <- min(x) - 1 + avg_bin_width * i + i

      # make rightmost bins slightly larger
    } else if (right == TRUE) {

      # start from the left and work forwards creating the breakpoints
      breakpoints <- seq(from = min(x) - 1, by = avg_bin_width, length.out = num)
      # set correct point (highest value) for last breakpoint
      breakpoints[num] <- max(x)

      # allocate remaning 'bin space' by widening intervals starting from
      # the right
      for (i in num:(num - rem + 1)) {
        breakpoints[i - 1] <- max(x) - (avg_bin_width + 1) * (num - i + 1)

      # handle edge case of bin width 1 with lowest breakpoint equal to
      # min(x)
      if (breakpoints[2] == min(x)) {
        # start from 1 below the min value for x and override include.lowest
        # so that label will be correct for (expected) bin width of 1
        include.lowest <- FALSE
      } else {
        breakpoints[1] <- min(x)

  return(list(breakpoints = breakpoints, include.lowest = include.lowest))

# handle break offsets for 'right' and 'left' intervals
# and also handle include.lowest = TRUE
# returns adjustment vectors for bins (which impact labels)
bin_adjust <- function(right, include.lowest, numLabels) {
  if (right == TRUE) {
    floorInc <- rep(1, numLabels)
    ceilingDec <- rep(0, numLabels)
    if (include.lowest == TRUE) {
      floorInc[1] <- 0
  } else if (right == FALSE) {
    floorInc <- rep(0, numLabels)
    ceilingDec <- rep(1, numLabels)
    if (include.lowest == TRUE) {
      ceilingDec[numLabels] <- 0

  return(list(floorInc = floorInc, ceilingDec = ceilingDec))
jonmcalder/refactor documentation built on Nov. 16, 2020, 3:46 a.m.