
Title: Catenary Package Design Author: Matthew Roughan Date: 2013 Affiliation: University of Adelaide XHTML Header:

Catenary package design

Fundamental equation of the catenary is given by \[ y = c_1 \cosh( (x-c_2)/c_1 ) + \lambda \]

Catenary object

member variables

c_1 = shape parameter
        c_1 > 0 for common catenary
        c_1 = 0 is a limiting case which is a horizontal line
        c_1 < 0 is an inverted catenary, used for arches
c_2 = x-location parameter
lambda = y-location parameter
(x_0,y_0) = left end point
(x_1,y_1) = right end point: x_0 <= x_1
L = length

member functions


new(x_0,y_0,x_1,y_1)   // take end-points, and estimate natural catenary
new(x_0,y_0,x_1,y_1,L) // take end-points, and length, and estimate parameters
new(x,y)               // take vectors x and y, and estimate parameters for catenary, 
                       // using non-linear least squares

calculation of the curve

    input  x = vector of points, x_0 <= x <= x_1
    output y = c_1 * cosh( (x - c_2)/c_1 ) + lambda

information functions

vertex = (c_2, c_1 + \lambda)
min_y = c_1 + \lambda, if c_1 > 0
        min(y_0, y_1), if c_1 < 0
max_y = max(y_0, y_1), if c_1 > 0
        c_1 + \lambda, if c_1 < 0
dip = max_y - min_y  // assumes c_1 > 0, otherwise it would be a rise
slope = sinh((x-c_2)/c_1)
radius of curvature = y^2/c_1

tension (at a point x, given mass per unit distance, and gravitational const)


plot( linewidth, linestyle, end-point marker, pylons(yes/no) , ...)
       // plot the catenary with some nice options
print  // write out key parameters of a catenary

Other 'utility' functions

min_length(x_0,y_0,x_1,y_1) // calculate the minimum length of a catenary with given end points
       \\[ output = \sqrt{ (x_1-x_0)^2 + (y_1 - y_0)^2 } \\]

       algorithm is a bit more complicated

approximate: get approximating parabola for a catenary
             or perhaps approximating degree n polynomial


We also need a set of simple examples to show: how to use the functions illustrations of various cases * to use as test cases to validate the code

Design comments:

The goal is to use constructors to estimate correct parameters and other details using overloading to deal with different types of inputs.

There should be an equivalent estimation for parabolas, and circular arcs, in order to replicate the comparison results?

A question is: should there be a super-class called the infinite catenary which doesn't have end points? Then plotting doesn't have a fixed range?

Another question is how we should return diagnostics from estimation (and other constructors). Should there be a set of appropriate variables in the class, e.g., RSS, or should the function not be a constructor?

In finding the natural catenary we have to deal with the fact that 2,1, or 0 catenaries can fit the end-points, even if only one is valid. The other may be of interest in some cases, and when no solution exists we need to report this in a sensible way.

The constructors also need to check that inputs are valid, e.g., the length is in the range between max and min, using the appropriate utility functions.

V2.0 features

linked lists of catenaries

Catenaries that are joined, in order, kept in a list. Enforce that the end-points connect?

catenary constructors for new problems

V3.0 features

Generalized forms of catenary: elastic catenaries flattened catenaries weighted catenaries elliptic and hyperbolic catenaries catenoids paul bunyan's clothes line * inflexible catenary


estimation of parameters from a set of points [x,y]

Use the constructor


where x and y are length n vectors, for n>2.


1. estimate a parabola through the set of points, and write in the form
        y = a x^2 + b x + c
   which we can simplify by completing the square to give
        y = ( sign(a) sqrt(a) (x + b/(2 sqrt(a)) )    )^2  - [b^2/2a - c]

2. Use the parabola to obtain initial estimates for the catenary
     c_2 = -b/(2*a);
     c_1 = sign(a)/sqrt(a);
     lambda = c - b^2/(4*a) - c_1;
   by identifying elements of the parabola with the catenary.

3. Use non-linear least square to estimate more accurate values of 
   the parameters, along with errors, covariances.

4. Calculate the end points by taking
       x0 = min(x)
       y0 = f(x0)
       x1 = max(x)
       y1 = f(x1)
       L = c_1*[ sinh((x_1-c_2)/c_1) - sinh((x_0-c_2)/c_1) ]

5. Creates the catenary object, but also we need some way to
   output errors, and covariances -- maybe the object should include
   such member variables?

calculation of the parameters from fixed end points, and the length

Use the constructor



1. Check that the length is valid, i.e., that
      L > min_length(x_0,y_0,x_1,y_1)
      L < max_length(x_0,y_0,x_1,y_1)

      NB: in later versions we can deal with L>max_length using the
      overlength catenary.

    If invalid, return a meaningful error.

2. Assume we are looking for a hanging chain (not an arch), so the 
   curve will have c_1>0

calculation of the parameters with unspecified length

In this case we look for the natural catenary, which has \(\lambda = 0\).

Use the constructor



1. lambda = 0


jonotuke/catenary documentation built on May 19, 2019, 8:36 p.m.