
#' @title R6 class ModelCompareMultivariate
#' @export
ModelCompareMultivariateVAR = R6::R6Class(
  classname = "ModelCompareMultivariateVAR",
  inherit = ModelCompareBase,
  cloneable = TRUE,
  #### Public Methods ----
    #### Constructor ----
    #' @description 
    #' Initialize an object to compare several Univatiate Time Series Models
    #' @param data The dataframe containing the time series realizations (data should not contain time index)
    #' @param var_interest The output variable of interest (dependent variable)
    #' @param mdl_list A named list of all models (see format below)
    #' @param n.ahead The number of observations used to calculate ASE or forecast ahead
    #' @param batch_size If any of the models used sliding ase method,
    #'                   then this number indicates the batch size to use
    #' @param step_n.ahead If using sliding window, should batches be incremented by n.ahead
    #'                     (Default = TRUE)
    #' @param verbose How much to print during the model building and other processes (Default = 0)
    #' @return A new `ModelCompareMultivariateVAR` object.
    initialize = function(data = NA, var_interest = NA, mdl_list, n.ahead = NA, batch_size = NA, step_n.ahead = TRUE, verbose = 0)
      private$set_var_interest(var_interest = var_interest)
      super$initialize(data = data, mdl_list = mdl_list,
                       n.ahead = n.ahead, batch_size = batch_size, step_n.ahead = step_n.ahead,
                       verbose = verbose)
    #### Getters and Setters ----
    #' @description Returns the dependent variable name
    #' @return The dependent variable name
    get_var_interest = function(){return(private$var_interest)},
    #' @description Returns the dependent variable data only
    #' @return The dependent variable data only
    get_data_var_interest = function(){return(self$get_data()[, self$get_var_interest()])},
    #### General Public Methods ----
    #' @description Returns the AIC and the BIC for the model using the entire dataset
    #' @param sort_by 'AIC' or 'BIC'. Selects which column to sort the results by (Default: 'AIC')
    get_xIC = function(sort_by = "AIC"){
      results = dplyr::tribble(~Model, ~AIC, ~BIC)
      for (name in names(private$get_models())){
        AIC = private$models[[name]][['AIC']]
        BIC = private$models[[name]][['BIC']]
        results = results %>% 
          dplyr::add_row(Model = name, AIC = AIC, BIC = BIC)
      results = results %>% 
    #' @description Returns the VAR model Build Summary
    #' @returns A dataframe containing the following columns
    #'          'Model': Name of the model
    #'          'Trend': The trend argument used in the VAR functions
    #'          'Season' The season argument used in the VAR functions
    #'          'SlidingASE': Whether Sliding ASE will be used for this model
    #'          'Init_K': The K value recommended by the VARselect function
    #'          'Final_K': The adjusted K value to take into account the smaller batch size (only when using sliding_ase)
    summarize_build = function(){
      results = dplyr::tribble(~Model, ~Trend, ~Season, ~SlidingASE, ~Init_K, ~Final_K)

      for (name in names(private$get_models())){
        results = results %>%
          dplyr::add_row(Model = name,
                         Trend = private$models[[name]][['trend_type']],
                         Season = ifelse(is.null(private$models[[name]][['season']]), 0, private$models[[name]][['season']]),
                         SlidingASE = private$models[[name]][['sliding_ase']],
                         Init_K = private$models[[name]][['k_initial']],
                         Final_K = private$models[[name]][['k_final']]


  #### Private Methods ----
  private = list(
    var_interest = NA,
    set_var_interest = function(var_interest){private$var_interest = var_interest},
    get_data_subset = function(col_names){
      return(self$get_data() %>% dplyr::select(col_names))
    get_len_x = function(){
    clean_model_input = function(mdl_list, batch_size){
      mdl_list = super$clean_model_input(mdl_list)
      for (name in names(mdl_list)){
        k = mdl_list[[name]]$varfit$p
        mdl_list[[name]][['varfit_alldata']] = mdl_list[[name]]$varfit
        mdl_list[[name]][['vars_to_use']] = colnames(mdl_list[[name]]$varfit$y)
        mdl_list[[name]][['k_initial']] = k
        mdl_list[[name]][['trend_type']] = mdl_list[[name]]$varfit$type
        mdl_list[[name]][['season']] = mdl_list[[name]]$varfit$call$season
        k_final = k
        ## If using sliding ASE, make sure that the batch size is large enough to support the number of lags
        if (mdl_list[[name]][['sliding_ase']] == TRUE){
          k_final = private$validate_k(k, batch_size,
                                       season = mdl_list[[name]]$varfit$call$season,
                                       col_names = colnames(mdl_list[[name]]$varfit$y))
        mdl_list[[name]][['k_final']] = k_final
        AIC = stats::AIC(mdl_list[[name]]$varfit)
        BIC = stats::BIC(mdl_list[[name]]$varfit)
        mdl_list[[name]][['AIC']] = AIC
        mdl_list[[name]][['BIC']] = BIC
    get_sliding_ase_results = function(name, step_n.ahead){
      res = sliding_ase_var(data = private$get_data_subset(col_names = private$get_models()[[name]][['vars_to_use']]),
                            var_interest = self$get_var_interest(),
                            k = private$get_models()[[name]][['k_final']],
                            trend_type = private$get_models()[[name]][['trend_type']],
                            season = private$get_models()[[name]][['season']],
                            n.ahead = self$get_n.ahead(),
                            batch_size = private$get_models()[[name]][['batch_size']],
                            step_n.ahead = step_n.ahead, verbose = private$get_verbose())
      return (res)
    compute_simple_forecasts = function(lastn, newxreg){
      ## newxreg is not needed for VAR
      results = dplyr::tribble(~Model, ~Time, ~f, ~ll, ~ul)
      if (lastn == FALSE){
        data_start = 1
        data_end = private$get_len_x()
        data_start = 1
        data_end = private$get_len_x() - self$get_n.ahead()
      from = data_end + 1
      to = data_end + self$get_n.ahead()
      # Define Train Data
      for (name in names(private$get_models())){
        # col_names = private$get_models()[[name]][['cols_used']]
        col_names = private$get_models()[[name]][['vars_to_use']]

        train_data = private$get_data_subset(col_names = col_names) %>%

        var_interest = self$get_var_interest()
        k = private$get_models()[[name]][['k_final']]
        trend_type = private$get_models()[[name]][['trend_type']]
        # Fit model for the batch
        varfit = vars::VAR(train_data, p=k, type=trend_type)

        # Forecast for the batch
        forecasts = stats::predict(varfit, n.ahead=self$get_n.ahead())
        forecasts = forecasts$fcst[[var_interest]] ## Get the forecasts only for the dependent variable

        results = results %>% 
          dplyr::add_row(Model = name,
                         Time = (from:to),
                         f = forecasts[, 'fcst'],
                         ll = forecasts[, 'lower'],
                         ul = forecasts[, 'upper'])
    validate_k = function(k, batch_size, season, col_names){
      # https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/234975/how-many-endogenous-variables-in-a-var-model-with-120-observations
      ## num_vars (in code) = K in the equation in link
      ## k (code) = p in the equation in link
      t =  batch_size - self$get_n.ahead()
      num_vars = length(col_names)  
      if (is.null(season)){
        season = 1  # So we dont subtract anthign from the numerator
      new_k = k
      # NOTE: I changed 1 to 2 since we can also have a case with trend and const instead of just constant.
      if (k * (num_vars+1) + 2 > t){
        new_k =  floor((t-2-(season-1))/(num_vars + 1))
        warning("Although the lag value k: ", k, " selected by VARselect will work for your full dataset, is too large for your batch size. Reducing k to allow Batch ASE calculations. New k: ", new_k, " If you do not want to reduce the k value, increase the batch size or make sliding_ase = FALSE for this model in the model list")
josephsdavid/tswgewrapped documentation built on July 31, 2020, 9:36 a.m.