
Defines functions incremental_refresh_constellation.constellation incremental_refresh_constellation

Documented in incremental_refresh_constellation incremental_refresh_constellation.constellation

#' Incrementally refresh a constellation with a star schema
#' Incrementally refresh a star schema in a constellation with the content of a
#' new star schema that is integrated into the first.
#' Once the dimensions are integrated, if there are records in the fact table
#' whose keys match the new ones, new ones can be ignored, they can be replaced
#' by new ones, all of them can be grouped using the aggregation functions, or
#' they can be deleted. Therefore, the possible values of the `existing`
#' parameter are: "ignore", "replace", "group" or "delete".
#' @param ct A `constellation` object.
#' @param st A `star_schema` object.
#' @param existing A string, operation to be performed with records in the fact
#'   table whose keys match.
#' @return A `constellation` object.
#' @family incremental refresh functions
#' @examples
#' ct <- ct_mrs |>
#'   incremental_refresh_constellation(st_mrs_age_w10, existing = "replace")
#' ct <- ct_mrs |>
#'   incremental_refresh_constellation(st_mrs_cause_w10, existing = "group")
#' @export
incremental_refresh_constellation <- function(ct, st, existing = "ignore") {

#' @rdname incremental_refresh_constellation
#' @export
incremental_refresh_constellation.constellation <-
  function(ct, st, existing = "ignore") {
    validate_names(c("ignore", "replace", "group", "delete"), existing, concept = 'existing')

    st_name <- get_fact_name(st)
    ct$star[[st_name]] <- incremental_refresh_star_schema(ct$star[[st_name]], st, existing)
    conformed_dimensions <-
    for (d in conformed_dimensions) {
      ct$dimension[[d]] <- get_dimension(ct$star[[st_name]], d)
      attr(ct$dimension[[d]], "type") <- "conformed"
      for (n in names(ct$star)) {
        if (n != st_name) {
          ct$star[[n]] <-
            replace_dimension(ct$star[[n]], d, ct$dimension[[d]])
josesamos/starschemar documentation built on May 6, 2024, 5:57 a.m.