
Defines functions record_update_set new_record_update_set

Documented in new_record_update_set record_update_set

#' record_update_set S3 class
#' Internal low-level constructor that creates new objects with the correct
#' structure.
#' @return A `record_update_set` object.
#' @keywords internal
new_record_update_set <- function() {
  update_set <- list()

            class = "record_update_set")

#' `record_update_set` S3 class
#' A `record_update_set` object is created. Stores updates on dimension records.
#' Each update is made up of a dimension name, an old value set, and a new value
#' set.
#' When the update is applied, all the dimension records that have the
#' combination of old values are modified with the new values provided.
#' @return A `record_update_set` object.
#' @family data cleaning functions
#' @examples
#' updates <- record_update_set()
#' @export
record_update_set <- function() {
josesamos/starschemar documentation built on May 6, 2024, 5:57 a.m.