
Defines functions checkFgAndBgGeneSets hyperGGeneric

Documented in hyperGGeneric

## Applied Bioinformatics Group,
## Division of Molecular Pathophysiology, Biocenter,
## Medical University of Innsbruck,
## Innrain 80-82, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria
## http://bioinfo.i-med.ac.at
## Developer: Daniel Bindreither, Johannes Rainer
#cat("This is generic-category.R version 1.01.\n")

## Just a generic function to do a category analysis on a list of entrezgene ids (or whathever).

## This function is supposed to check for the correct assignment
## of bg and fg gene lists
checkFgAndBgGeneSets <- function(fg.gns, bg.gns) {
    consist <- all(fg.gns %in% bg.gns)
    fg <- length(fg.gns) != 0 & all(is.character(fg.gns))
    bg <- length(bg.gns) != 0 & all(is.character(bg.gns))
    consist & fg & bg

hyperGGeneric <- function(fg.gns=character(), bg.gns=character(), x, method="BH"){
    method <- match.arg(method, p.adjust.methods)
        stop("Argument x is mandatory")
        stop("x has to be a list with names corresponding to the category names and entries being (entrezgene) IDs.")
    if(! checkFgAndBgGeneSets(fg.gns, bg.gns))
        stop("Not all genes in the fg.gns are contained in the bg.gns")

    fg.gns <- as.character(unique(fg.gns))
    bg.gns <- as.character(unique(bg.gns))

    ## check that the numbers correspond to genes that are really part of any category,
    ## otherwise the test would not be correct.
    no.fg.genes <- length(fg.gns)
    no.bg.genes <- length(bg.gns)
    AllGenes <- as.character(unique(unlist(x)))
    fg.gns <- fg.gns[ fg.gns %in% AllGenes ]
    bg.gns <- bg.gns[ bg.gns %in% AllGenes ]
    cat("Of the ", no.fg.genes, " input genes ", length(fg.gns), " can be annotated to one or more categories.\n")
    cat("Of the ", no.bg.genes, " background genes ", length(bg.gns), " can be annotated to one or more categories.\n")

    ##	             | drawn	not drawn	| total
    ## ------------------------------------------------
    ## white marbles |	k	K − k	        |   K
    ## black marbles |	n − k	N + k − n − K	| N − K
    ## ------------------------------------------------
    ## total	     |   n	N − n	        |  N

    ## number of genes from fg list associated with term
    k <- unlist(lapply(x, function(CatGenes){
        length(intersect(as.character(CatGenes), as.character(fg.gns)))
    ## total bg genes  in Category
    K <- unlist(lapply(x, function(CatGenes){
        length(intersect(as.character(CatGenes), as.character(bg.gns)))
    ## number of interesting genes.
    n <- length(fg.gns)
    ## total number of genes tested
    N <- length(bg.gns)
    numW <- K
    numDrawn <- n
    numB <- N - K
    numWdrawn <- k

#    ## get sig gene Ids
#    sig.genes <- unlist(lapply(pathway.list, function(reactomePath) {
#        intersect(reactomePath, as.character(fg.gns))
#    }))

    entrezids <- unlist(lapply(x, function(CatGenes){
        paste(intersect(as.character(CatGenes), as.character(fg.gns)), collapse=";")
    entrezids.universe <- unlist(lapply(x, function(CatGenes){
        paste(intersect(as.character(CatGenes), as.character(bg.gns)), collapse=";")
    n21 <- numW - numWdrawn
    n12 <- numDrawn - numWdrawn
    n22 <- numB - n12
    odds_ratio <- (numWdrawn * n22)/(n12 * n21)
    expected <- (numWdrawn + n12) * (numWdrawn + n21)
    expected <- expected/(numWdrawn + n12 + n21 + n22)
    pvals <- phyper(numWdrawn - 1L, numW, numB, numDrawn,
                    lower.tail = FALSE)
    padj <- p.adjust(pvals, method=method)
    ## AdjP2 <- mt.rawp2adjp(pvals, proc=proc)
    ## AdjP2 <- AdjP2$adj[ order(AdjP2$index), ]
    ## rownames(AdjP2) <- names(pvals)
    DF <- data.frame(Term=names(x),
    DF <- DF[ order(DF$Pvalue), ]
jotsetung/unsoRted documentation built on May 19, 2019, 9:42 p.m.