Man pages for jpablo91/QuantRRA
A library for Reproducible Risk Assessment with R

ASFmRisk of ASF introduction via live products
asf_productsRisk of ASF introduction via sub products
OIRSARisk of ASF introduction via live products
ra_exportExport a model file to a file for external use
ra_fit(experimental) fit a set of observations to a specific...
ra_gsaFunction to perform a global sensitivity analysis using...
ra_importImport a model file from zip or xlsx
ra_one_ofSample from a multinomial (discrete) distribution
ra_pinEstimate the probability of an animal not being detected with...
ra_plot_distPlot a distribution with descriptive statistics
ra_plot_rankingBarplot used to rank the estimate and 95 percentile of the...
ra_plot_scorePlot the distribution using a gauge plot
ra_plot_stratifiedBarplot used to rank the estimate and 95 percentile of the...
ra_plot_treePlot a model tree from a quantrra table
ra_runRun the stochastic model using a quantrra model table
ra_run_stratRun a stratified model.
ra_sampleSample from different distributions
ra_truncateTruncate a distribution
ra_which(experimental) Fit data to multiple distributions to see...
run_quantrraFunction to open the quantrra interactive platform...
wmWorld map
jpablo91/QuantRRA documentation built on July 3, 2024, 10:46 p.m.