OIRSA: Risk of ASF introduction via live products

OIRSAR Documentation

Risk of ASF introduction via live products


Model adapted from the publication by OIRSA 2020 to evaluate the risk of introduction of ASF in the OIRSA region (Mexico and Central America).




data.frame in the format of the model table A data.frame with the variables needed by the quantrra library to run a risk assessment model


This table contains the nodes form the risk assessment scenario tree and its asociated parameters. The table is used for runing the model with the function quantrra::ra_run()



OIRSA. 2020. Análisis de riesgo sobre la probabilidad de ingreso, establecimiento y diseminación de la PPA en la porcicultura de los países de la región del OIRSA.

jpablo91/QuantRRA documentation built on July 3, 2024, 10:46 p.m.