ra_run_strat: Run a stratified model.

View source: R/ra_run_strat.R

ra_run_stratR Documentation

Run a stratified model.


The stratified model uses a different set of parameters for each starta with the intention to account for population heterogeneity. A strata represents different ways of grouping the target population. I.e. estimate the risk for different age groups, regions, or other groups to account for the population heterogeneity.


ra_run_strat(m, tbl = NULL, nsim, full = F, simplify = T)



Model file. If model file provided as a list, must contain named elements for the 'model' and 'stratified' tables. else a data frame containing a mode table can be provided, if this is the case, the argument tbl must include a data.frame that represents the stratified table


Table with parameters per strata, if model provided as named list, this is not required


Number of simulations


Whether or not the output will be simplified. When simplify = T, the function will return a data.frame with the median and 95 quantiles of the results. When simplify = F, the output will return a list of data.frames corresponding to each of the strata in the model


data frame with mean, and 95


# use one of the example models
m <- quantrra::asf_products
ra_run_strat(m = m$nodes, tbl = m$stratified, nsim = 10e3)

jpablo91/QuantRRA documentation built on July 3, 2024, 10:46 p.m.