
An introduciton to the rabbit package, its purpose, and its utility

Quick Start

Installing rabbit

Install the most recent version of the r Githubpkg("jperezrogers/rabbit") package directly from Github. A development version of the package is also available and can be downloaded by setting ref="development" though this version may be unstable.

devtools::install_github("jperezrogers/rabbit", ref="master")

Load Example Data

For illustrative purposes, we'll use the famous leukemia dataset from Golub et al. (1999) contained within the r Biocpkg("multtest") package. This dataset contains gene expression values of 3051 genes across 38 leukemia patients. 27 patients were diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and 11 were diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Within the outcome vector, ALL patients are coded as 0 while AML patients are coded as 1.


Load Stock Pipeline

The r Githubpkg("jperezrogers/rabbit") package provides a stock biomarker discovery pipeline developed based on the results from the MAQC-II study published by Shi et al. (2010). The stock pipeline is stored in the stockPipeline variable and contains 840 pre-build models, each with a unique combination of methods designed to select an optimal set of predictors and classification algorithm. For a more detailed description of the stock pipeline, see Stock Pipeline below.


The pipeline requires that each sample and feature (gene, in this case) have a unique name. Here, we add mock names to the golub data matrix.

colnames(golub) <- paste("Sample", 1:ncol(golub), sep="_")
rownames(golub) <- paste("Gene", 1:nrow(golub), sep="_")

Run Stock Pipeline

run(stockPipeline, x=golub, y=as.factor(, outputdir=getwd(), seed=1234, verbose=TRUE, force=TRUE)

Interpreting Results



A Pipeline is an r CRANpkg("R6") object that contains all of the information required to build and evaluate a set of classification models. Pipeline objects have the following members:

Pipelines are made up of Modules (see below) and each provides a self-contained object that can be used to run a series of biomarker models.


A Module is an r CRANpkg("R6") object which is added to a Pipeline. You should think of each module as a unique step in the development of a classification model (e.g. feature selection or classification). Every module is made up of tasks that have a similar input, output, and overall function. For example, you might want to try out two different linear modeling techniques to select genes associated with your variable of interest. In this case, these two different approaches would be added to your pipeline as individual tasks within the same module since they attempt to achieve the same goal of selecting a number of genes while employing slightly different techniques. Your module, in this case, might be called 'Feature Selection'.

Module Types






A Task is the fundamental building block of a pipeline. A task object contains the actual function and parameters to apply to the data. Tasks are added to modules and

Stock Pipeline

The stock pipeline has been assembled to include the most used methods from the MAQC-II project (specifically those found in Table 2 of Shi et al. (2010)), as well as a few additional tasks to increase the diversity of methods available.


The stock pipeline comes equipped with four modules and is designed to evaluate each model in 10-fold cross-validation. By default, when a new pipeline object is created, the classification module is already included. We then add a gene filter module for unsupervised filtering methods, a feature selection module for supervised filtering methods, and a biomarker size selection module to pick the final number of genes to be included in the classification model.

stockPipeline <- newPipeline(label = "stock", cv = "cv", nfolds = 10)
addModule(pipeline = stockPipeline, type = "M1", label = "gene filter")
addModule(pipeline = stockPipeline, type = "M2", label = "feature selection")
addModule(pipeline = stockPipeline, type = "M3", label = "biomarker size")

Prebuilt Modules

Gene Filter

The gene filter module (label = "gene filter") is a type-M1 module and is the first module in the stock pipeline. It is designed to identify and remove genes in an unsupervised manner that are lowly expressed or that do not vary in expression across samples in the dataset. There are two tasks included in this module which are described below.

Median Absolute Deviation (MAD)

For each gene, the median absolute deviation is computed using the stats::mad function. MAD scores are then ranked in decreasing order, and the top n genes by MAD score are selected and returned where

n = round(nrow(x)*fraction)

and x is the gene expression matrix with samples in columns and genes in rows and fraction is a decimal value between 0 and 1. Three different values of fraction are built into the median absolute deviation task including 0.25, 0.50, and 0.75 with each being evaluated separately. The task definition is as follows:

  pipeline = stockPipeline,
  module = "gene filter",
  label = "mad",
  method = function(x,fraction=0.50){
    madev <- apply(x,1,mad)
    sorted.index <- sort(madev,decreasing=T,index.return=T)$ix
    max.keep <- round(nrow(x)*fraction)
    boundary <- madev[sorted.index[max.keep]]
    x <- x[madev>=boundary,]
  parameters = data.frame(
    parameter = c("fraction"),
    class = c("numeric"),
    label = c("fraction"),
    stringsAsFactors = F
  control = list(
    fraction = c(0.25,0.50,0.75)

Mean Expression Filter

For each gene, the mean expression is computed. Then, the array-wide average expression, mu, is computed by averaging each gene's mean-expression value such that

mu = mean(apply(x,1,mean))

where x is the gene expression matrix with samples in columns and genes in rows. A one-tailed t-test is then used to rank genes based on how different their mean expression value is from the array-wide mean. Genes with a statistically significant p-value (p < 0.05) are selected and returned. The task definition is as follows:

  pipeline = stockPipeline,
  module = "gene filter",
  label = "mean-expression",
  method = function(x){
    mean.expr <- mean(apply(x,1,mean))
    p <- apply(x,1,function(i){
    x <- x[p<0.05,]

Feature Selection

The feature selection module (label = "feature selection") is a type-M2 module and is the second module in the stock pipeline. This module houses tasks that are designed to select genes that are most associated with the variable of interest y based on some metric. There are five tasks available in this module which are described in detail below.

Significance Analysis of Microarrays (SAM)

This task implements the Significance Analysis of Microarrays method published by Tusher et al (2001) and implemented in the r CRANpkg("samr") package. Genes are ranked by importance according to their p-value. The task definition is as follows:

  pipeline = stockPipeline,
  module = "feature selection",
  label = "SAM",
  method = function(x,y){
    y.tmp <- ifelse(y==0,1,2)
    data <- list(x=x,y=y.tmp, geneid=as.character(1:nrow(x)),genenames=row.names(x),logged2=TRUE)
    junk <- capture.output(o <- samr(data,resp.type="Two class unpaired",nperms=100))
    p <- samr.pvalues.from.perms(o$tt,o$ttstar)
    rank <- abs(p-1)
  libraries = c("samr")

NOTE: The rank of each gene is a transformation of the p-value returned by the samr.pvalues.from.perms function. Not all tasks in the feature selection module will rank genes based on p-values, thus we need to standardize the direction in which genes are ranked by the rank vector. The direction in which the ranks are sorted is an arbitrary decision, but one that needs to be consistent across all tasks in the module. In this case, we have chosen to rank genes in descending order based on the rank vector output by tasks in the feature selection module. P-values are transformed by subtracting 1 and taking the absolute value such that genes with the lowest p-values retain the highest rank.

Fold Change + P-value

Genes are first scored by moderated t-statistic (using the r Biocpkg("limma") package and eBayes function). Genes with a p-value less than 0.05 are retained and then ranked by log2 fold-change. In the event that no genes pass the specified p-value threshold, all genes are retained and ranked by log2 fold-change. A gene expression matrix containing only those genes that pass the p-value threshold and their associated log2 fold-change rank is returned.

  pipeline = stockPipeline,
  module = "feature selection",
  label = "FC + P",
  method = function(x,y){
    fc <- apply(x,1,function(i){
    mod <- model.matrix(~y)
    fit <- limma::lmFit(x,mod)
    modt <- limma::eBayes(fit)
    p <- modt$p.value[,2]
      x <- x[p<0.05,]
      rank <- fc[p<0.05]
    } else {
      x <- x
      rank <- fc
  libraries = c("limma")

Student T-test

A two-tailed student t-test assuming equal variances applied to each gene using the mt.teststat function from within the r Biocpkg("multtest") package for quick computation. Genes are ranked by p-value.

  pipeline = stockPipeline,
  module = "feature selection",
  label = "t-test",
  method = function(x,y){
    t <- multtest::mt.teststat(x,y)
    p <- 2 * pt(-abs(t), df=ncol(x)-2)
    rank <- abs(p-1)
  libraries = c("multtest")

Partial AUC

The partial area under the receiver operating characteristic curve is computed for each gene. This task utilized the rowpAUCs function from within the r Biocpkg("genefilter") package. See Pepe et al. (2003) for details on the partial AUC method.

  pipeline = stockPipeline,
  module = "feature selection",
  label = "pAUC",
  method = function(x,y){
    pauc <- area(genefilter::rowpAUCs(x,y,flip=TRUE))
  libraries = c("genefilter")

Signal to Noise Ratio

The signal-to-noise ratio as described by Golub et al. (1999) is computed for each gene with respect to the variable of interest y. Specifically, the difference in mean expression between levels of y are divided by the sum of their standard deviations. Genes are ranked based on their signal-to-noise ratio.

  pipeline = stockPipeline,
  module = "feature selection",
  label = "signal-to-noise",
  method = function(x,y){
    mu1 <- rowMeans(x[,y==levels(y)[1]])
    sd1 <- apply(x[,y==levels(y)[1]],1,sd)
    mu2 <- rowMeans(x[,y==levels(y)[2]])
    sd2 <- apply(x[,y==levels(y)[2]],1,sd)
    ratio <- abs((mu1-mu2)/(sd1+sd2))

Biomarker Size

The biomarker size module (label = "biomarker size") is a type-M3 module and is the third module in the stock pipeline. This module stores tasks that use the gene expression matrix x and list of gene ranks rank from the previous module to select a set number of genes for inclusion in the final classifier. There is only one task in this module and it is described below.

Size Selection

The size selection task selects the top n genes based on their value in rank. The number of genes selected varies depending on the value passed to the parameter size. By default, values of 5, 25, 50, 100, 500 are used in the stock pipeline. In the event that the size selection task requests more genes than are available (e.g. if size = 500 but only 200 genes were retained after feature selection), the maximum number of genes available is used.

  pipeline = stockPipeline,
  module = "biomarker size",
  label = "size selection",
  method = function(x,rank,size=5){
      stop(paste0("biomarker size -> size selection: input parameter 'rank' must have length equal to nrow(x). Actual: length(rank) = ",length(rank),", nrow(x) = ",nrow(x)))
      size <- length(rank)
      warning(paste0("biomarker size -> size selection: more features requested (n=",size,") than available in parameter 'x' (n=",length(rank),"). Using maximum available features instead."))
    x <- x[sort(rank,decreasing=T,index.return=T)$ix[1:size],]
  parameters = data.frame(
    parameter = c("size"),
    class = c("numeric"),
    label = c("size"),
    stringsAsFactors = F
  control = list(
    size = c(5,25,50,100,200,500)


The classification module (label = "classification") is a type-M4 module and is the forth and final module in the stock pipeline. This module is responsible for training a predictive algorithm on the internal training set and evaluated that model on the internal test set within cross-validation. There are seven classification tasks included in the stock pipeline which are described in detail below. Where possible, the classifier is trained using the r CRANpkg("caret") package to take advantange of its train and predict functions which provide a uniform interface to hundreds of algorithms.

Linear Descriminant Analysis

  pipeline = stockPipeline,
  module = "classification",
  label = "lda",
  method = function(x,y,testdata){
    control <- trainControl(method="none")
    mod <- suppressMessages(caret::train(x=t(x), y=as.factor(y), method="lda", trControl=control))
    preds <- predict(mod, newdata=t(testdata), type="prob")
    classes <- predict(mod, newdata=t(testdata), type="raw")
  libraries = "caret"

Random Forest

The random forest task uses 5x 10-fold cross-validation to tune the mtry parameter. By default, the number of trees is set to 500.

  pipeline = stockPipeline,
  module = "classification",
  label = "random forest",
  method = function(x,y,testdata){
    control <- trainControl(method="repeatedcv", number=10, repeats=5, 
    mod <- suppressMessages(caret::train(x=t(x), y=as.factor(y), method="rf", metric="ROC",
                        trControl=control, tuneLength=10))
    preds <- predict(mod,newdata=t(testdata),type="prob")
    classification <- predict(mod,newdata=t(testdata),type="raw")
  libraries = "caret"

Naive Bayes

  pipeline = stockPipeline,
  module = "classification",
  label = "naive bayes",
  method = function(x,y,testdata){
    control <- trainControl(method="none")
    grid <- data.frame(fL=0, usekernel=FALSE, adjust=FALSE)
    mod <- suppressMessages(train(x=t(x), y=as.factor(y), method="nb", trControl=control,
    preds <- suppressWarnings(predict(mod,newdata=t(testdata),type="prob"))
    classification <- suppressWarnings(predict(mod,newdata=t(testdata),
  libraries = "caret"

K-Nearest Neighbors

The k-nearest neighbors task uses 5x 10-fold cross-validation to tune the k parameter.

  pipeline = stockPipeline,
  module = "classification",
  label = "knn",
  method = function(x,y,testdata){
    y.tmp <- ifelse(y==0,"Class_0","Class_1")
    kmax <- round(sqrt(ncol(x)))
    kmax <- ifelse(kmax%%2==0,kmax+1,kmax)
    control <- trainControl(method="repeatedcv", number=10, repeats=5,
                            summaryFunction=twoClassSummary, classProbs=TRUE)
    mod <- suppressMessages(caret::train(x=t(x), y=as.factor(y.tmp), method="knn", trControl=control,
                        metric="ROC", maximize=TRUE, 
    opt.k <- caret::oneSE(mod$results, metric="ROC",num=5, maximize=TRUE)
    control <- trainControl(method="none")
    mod <- suppressMessages(
      caret::train(x=t(x), y=as.factor(y.tmp), method="knn", trControl=control, 
    preds <- predict(mod,newdata=t(testdata),type="prob")
    classification <- predict(mod,newdata=t(testdata),type="raw")
  libraries = "caret"

Support Vector Machine (Radial)

The support vector machine task uses 5x 10-fold cross-validation to tune the sigma and C parameters

  pipeline = stockPipeline,
  module = "classification",
  label = "svm",
  method = function(x,y,testdata){
    y.tmp <- ifelse(y==0,"Class_0","Class_1")
    control <- trainControl(method="repeatedcv", number=10, repeats=5, 
                            summaryFunction=twoClassSummary, classProbs=TRUE)
    mod <- suppressMessages(
      train(x=t(x), y=as.factor(y.tmp), method="svmRadial", tuneLength=10,
                 preProc=c("center","scale"), metric="ROC", trControl=control))
    preds <- predict(mod,newdata=t(testdata),type="prob")
    classification <- predict(mod,newdata=t(testdata),type="raw")
  libraries = "caret"

Weighted Voting

  pipeline = stockPipeline,
  module = "classification",
  label = "weighted voting",
  method = function(x,y,testdata){
    mod <- suppressMessages(wv.model(x,y))
    preds <- predict.wv(mod,testdata, type="prob")
    classification <- predict.wv(mod,testdata, type="raw")
  libraries = "caret"

Elastic Net Regression

The elastic net task uses 5x 10-fold cross-validation to tune the alpha and lambda parameters.

  pipeline = stockPipeline,
  module = "classification",
  label = "elastic net",
  method = function(x,y,testdata){
    y.tmp <- ifelse(y==0,"Class_0","Class_1")
    control <- trainControl(method="repeatedcv", number=10, repeats=5, 
                            summaryFunction=twoClassSummary, classProbs=TRUE)
    grid <- expand.grid(alpha=seq(0,1,length=10), lambda=10^seq(2,-2,length=100))
    mod <- suppressMessages(
      train(x=t(x), y=as.factor(y.tmp), method="glmnet", trControl=control,
                 tuneGrid=grid, metric="ROC"))
    preds <- predict(mod,newdata=t(testdata),type="prob")
    classification <- predict(mod,newdata=t(testdata),type="raw")
  libraries = "caret"


The stock pipeline was built to provide the user with a minimal set of tools to build and evaluate predictive models on high dimensional data. However, not all modules and tasks may be valid or their use desired for every dataset. As a result, there are a number of functions provided to customize the stock pipeline, or any pipeline for that matter.

Activating/Deactivating Tasks

Tasks within a pipeline can be activated and deactivated using the activateTask and deactivateTask functions, respectively. The active/inactive status of each task is accessed using the summary function setting level = "active"

summary(stockPipeline, level="active")
deactivateTask(pipeline=stockPipeline, module="feature selection", task="pAUC")
deactivateTask(pipeline=stockPipeline, module="classification", task=c("lda","random forest"))
activateTask(pipeline=stockPipeline, module="classification", task="random forest")
summary(stockPipeline, level="active")

Adding/Deleting Tasks

Tasks can also be easily added and deleted from the stock pipeline using the addTask and deleteTask functions. For more a more detailed description of these functions and their input parameters, see Adding Tasks to Modules below.

deleteTask(pipeline=stockPipeline, module="feature selection", task="SAM")
summary(stockPipeline, level="active")

Then, we can add the task back using the addTask function.

  pipeline = stockPipeline,
  module = "feature selection",
  label = "SAM",
  method = function(x,y){
    y.tmp <- ifelse(y==0,1,2)
    data <- list(x=x,y=y.tmp, geneid=as.character(1:nrow(x)),genenames=row.names(x),logged2=TRUE)
    junk <- capture.output(o <- samr(data,resp.type="Two class unpaired",nperms=100))
    p <- samr.pvalues.from.perms(o$tt,o$ttstar)
    rank <- abs(p-1)
  libraries = c("samr")

summary(stockPipeline, level="active")

Modifying Existing Tasks

Occasionally the user may want to reconfigure or modify a task that is already in the stock pipeline. The getCall function can be used to return the code used to generate a given task. This allows the user to easily create a new task or overwrite an existing task without having to rewrite the code from scratch. The getCall function returns a named list with elements corresponding to the input parameters of the addTask function.

task.mad <- getCall(stockPipeline, "gene filter", "mad")

To add a task back to the pipeline after modifying the list returned by getCall, use the function, args=task.mad)

Changing the Cross-Validation Scheme

The stock pipeline has three parameters that can be modified to customize the cross-validation scheme used when the pipeline is run.

Each of these parameters can be modified using the update function.

update(pipeline=stockPipeline, what="cv", value="lgocv")
update(pipeline=stockPipeline, what="p", value=0.70)
update(pipeline=stockPipeline, what="nfolds", value=20)

Creating Custom Pipelines

In some instances, you may want to build a pipeline from the ground up to fully customize your model building methods. The r Githubpkg("jperezrogers/rabbit") package provides a framework and a powerful set of tools that allow the user to build and design custom predictive models.

Creating a New Pipeline

To start, you have to create a new pipeline object using the newPipeline function. The only required input parameter, by default, is the label which essentially gives the pipeline a name. Other input parameters are available which allow you to customize the cross-validation scheme that will be used when the pipeline is run. The input parameters to newPipeline are as follows:

When parameter cv is set to cv, ordinary k-fold cross-validation is used where the number of folds k is defined by the value of nfolds. lgocv implies leave-group-out cross-validation where p defines the fraction of samples to be randomly assigned to the training set and nfolds indicates the number of random data partitions to compute. loocv implies leave-one-out cross-validation in which each sample is left out of training and is predicted one time. In loocv, neither p nor nfolds are used. Finally, boot implies bootstrapped cross-validation in which n samples are randomly selected with replacement where n is the total number of samples in the dataset. Samples not included in the internal training set are used as a test set in bootstrapped cross-validation.

Parameter p determines the fraction of samples included in the internal training set and is only used when cv is lgocv. In this case, a good choice of p is usually between 0.50 and 0.90 with the default value being set to 0.80. If your dataset is small, choosing a large value for p may result in very few samples being predicted in the test set while smaller values of p may underpower your training set.

Parameter nfolds is used when cv is set to cv, lgocv, or boot. Traditionally, if cv = cv, 5 or 10-fold cross-validation is typically used. Higher or lower values of nfolds may result in small test sets or an insufficient number of cross-validated loops, respectively. When using leave-group-out or bootstrapped cross-validation, the number of folds could be much higher, in the range of 100s or 1000s if desired.

customPipeline <- newPipeline(label = "custom_pipeline", cv = "lgocv", nfolds = 100, p = 0.80)

Adding a New Module to a Pipeline

Once you have created a new pipeline object you can start to add new modules to it. Each new module will represent a "step" in the pipeline. By default, when a new pipeline is created, it comes packages with a 'classification' module already installed. The reason for this is simple. The point of a pipeline is to train and evaluate a predictive model on a dataset, which intuitively means there needs to be a classification module that functions as the last "step" in the pipeline. Therefore, every pipeline must have a classification module and it must be the last module employed when evaluating models. We can see this using the summary function:

summary(customPipeline, level="structure")

As you can see, the pipeline has one module, named 'classification' and that module contains no tasks. At this point we can 1) add tasks to the 'classification' module or 2) we can continue building the bones of our custom pipeline and add a few more modules.

Taking the latter approach, let's add another module using the addModule function. addModule takes three arguments:

There are four different types of modules available in this package (M1, M2, M3, and M4) which differ based on the expected inputs and outputs of their tasks. M1, M2, and M3 modules can all be added to a pipeline object by the user. M4 modules are 'classification' modules which are automatically added to each pipeline at initialization and cannot be re-added or deleted. Each module is described in detail below:

M1 Modules

Type M1 modules store tasks that take in a numerical matrix and output a numerical matrix. Optionally, these tasks may also take in phenotype information in the form of a data.frame. M1 modules are used primarily for unsupervised processes (those that do not use the response variable y) that are applied to the expression matrix. One example use case for an M1 module would be to perform some sort of feature filtering, perhaps based on a gene's expression level or variance as in the stock pipeline example above. An expression matrix is read in by the tasks in the M1 module, a subset is selected for, then an expression matrix is returned. The only assumption is that the column names will be identical between the input and output expression matrix. It's important to note that the expression matrix returned by a task in an M1 module does not need to have the same number of rows (genes) as the matrix that was passed to it, thus allowing the user to select genes based on some metric and ensure that only those genes are passed to the next step in the pipeline.

A second example use case for an M1 module would be to create a 'batch correction' module where the expression matrix is read in, modified, and then returned by the task. Let's try to create the method parameter for a task in an M1 module using the ComBat function from within the r Biocpkg("sva") package which we can use to apply a batch correction to our expression data. ComBat requires both a gene expression matrix (in our case, x), and the batch annotation which we can store in our phenotype data.frame data. We pass both x and data to our function and return the batch corrected matrix to the pipeline.

# an example 'method' parameter for a task in an 'M1' module
method <- function(x,data){
  mod <- model.matrix(~1, data=data)
  new.x <- sva::ComBat(dat=x, batch=data$batch, mod=mod)

M2 Modules

Type M2 modules store tasks that take a numerical matrix, response variable, and (optionally) a data.frame of phenotypic information. Unlike M1 modules, M2 modules are designed for supervised processes (those making use of the response variable y). In the stock pipeline example above, we used an M2 module for the feature selection module, where tasks select genes based on their association with y. M2 modules can be used not only to select genes (e.g. by returning an expression matrix containing only genes meeting a desired criteria), but also to rank genes in the event that 'selection' occurs at a later step in the pipeline. To fascilitate this functionality, tasks in M2 modules need to output either 1) an expression matrix or 2) a list containing an expression matrix named x and a ranked list named rank.

# an example 'method' parameter for a task in an 'M2' module
method = function(x,y){
  t <- multtest::mt.teststat(x,y)
  p <- 2 * pt(-abs(t), df=ncol(x)-2)
  rank <- abs(p-1)
  return(list(x=x, rank=rank))

M3 Modules

M4 Modules

Adding Tasks to Modules

NOTE: only active tasks are displayed in the pipeline structure summary. Inactive tasks will not be used when the pipeline is run and thus do not contribute to its overall structure.

Task Components

Method Element

Specific Requirements for Tasks Added to M1 Modules

Specific Requirements for Tasks Added to M2 Modules

Specific Requirements for Tasks Added to M3 Modules

Specific Requirements for Tasks Added to M4 Modules

Parameters Element

Control Element

Activating/Deactivating Tasks

Rearranging Modules

Summary Functions

Additional Considerations

Cross-Validation Scheme vs Sample Size



jperezrogers/rabbit documentation built on Feb. 9, 2020, 4:59 p.m.