
#' <Add Title>
#' <Add Description>
#' @import htmlwidgets
#' @export
bubbleForceInfobox <- function(data,width = NULL, height = NULL) {

  name <- "bubbleForceInfobox"
  #   if(is.null(data$id)) data$id <- seq(1:nrow(data))

  if(!"data.frame" %in% class(data)) {
    stop("data must be a dataframe")

    message("No node htmlinfo: using default")
    data$htmlinfo <- "<h1>This</h1> is some <strong>html</strong>"

  if (is.null(data$hover)){
    message("No hover provided: using number")
    data$hover <- seq(1:nrow(data))

  if (is.null(data$x)){
    message("No node x position provided: using random value")
    data$x <- runif(nrow(data),1,400)

  if (is.null(data$y)){
    message("No node y position provided: using random value")
    data$y <- runif(nrow(data),1,400)

  if (is.null(data$radius)){
    message("No radius provided: using fixed value = 5")
    data$radius <- 5

  if (is.null(data$group)){
    message("No group variable")
    data$clusterName <- ""
    data$cluster <- 0
  } else{
    data$cluster <- as.numeric(factor(data$group))-1
    data$clusterName <- data$group

    initInfobox <- "Haz click en los nodos para ver detalles!"

  clusters <- ddply(data,.(cluster),function(r){
    r <- r[with(r,order(radius)),]

  n <- nrow(data)
  m <- nrow(clusters)

  #   # Convert to array of objects
  #   data <- apply(data, 1,function(r){
  #     as.list(r)
  #   })
  #   names(data) <- NULL

  settings <- list(
    initInfobox = initInfobox

  #   apply(data[,2:4], 1,function(r){
  #     message(r)
  #     #r <- head(data,1)
  #     as.list(r)
  #   })
  #   r <- head(data,1)
  # as.list(r)
  #   clusters <- apply(clusters, 1,function(r){
  #     as.list(r)
  #   })

  x = list(
#     settings = settings,
    n = n,
    m = m,
    data = data,
    clusters = clusters

  # create widget
    name = name,
    width = width,
    height = height,
    package = 'bubbleCloud',
    sizingPolicy = htmlwidgets::sizingPolicy(
      viewer.padding = 0,
      browser.fill = TRUE

#' Widget output function for use in Shiny
#' @export
bubbleInfoboxOutput <- function(outputId, width = '100%', height = '500px'){
  shinyWidgetOutput(outputId, 'bubbleForceInfobox', width, height, package = 'bubbleCloud')

#' Widget render function for use in Shiny
#' @export
renderInfoboxBubbles <- function(expr, env = parent.frame(), quoted = FALSE) {
  if (!quoted) { expr <- substitute(expr) } # force quoted
  shinyRenderWidget(expr, bubbleInfoboxOutput, env, quoted = TRUE)
jpmarindiaz/bubbleCloud documentation built on May 19, 2019, 10:46 p.m.