Man pages for jpshanno/ecoflux
Functions for ecological flux studies including sap flux and soil/stem C efflux.

blank_dayCreates a ITime vector spanning a single day with a custom...
blank_seqCreate blank time sequence for each unique subject
CircularCalculate the area of a circle
conc_to_fluxConvert change in gas concentration over time to flux
effluxEasily fit multilple linear regressions over selected data...
fluxmodSap-flux response to Dz
ggpanelCreate a horizontal or vertical panel of plots with a shared...
lsmeansTableExtract means, contrasts, or trends from a list of lsmobj
pander_sortSort and display a table
pataki_flowCalculate sap flow for a tree with sapwood depth greater than...
pataki_varCalculate sap flow for a tree with sapwood depth greater than...
read_dirRead in a directory of files
read_rdbRead in USGS rdb data
read_xleRead in Solinst .xle levellogger and barologger files
scientific_10xFormat numbers to scientific notation (10^#)
SEyPredicted Standard Error
time_seqCreate time sequence with custom intervals
jpshanno/ecoflux documentation built on May 19, 2019, 11:51 p.m.