
Defines functions gam_dev_exp

Documented in gam_dev_exp

#' Variable importance for GAMs
#' Function builds GAM and calculates deviance explained by each covariate. 
#' Simon Wood; http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/variance-explained-by-each-term-in-a-GAM-td836513.html
#' Litzow et al. (2013) Reassessing regime shifts in the North Pacific: incremental climate change and commercial fishing are necessary for explaining decadal-scale biological variability. Global Change Biology.
#' @param  dataset is the dataset containing y and all x covariates. should be scaled and centered (mean = 0, sd = 1)
#' @param  exp.names = explanatory covariate names, passed as vector of characters
#' @param  indicator = y variable of interest (character)
#' @param  family = GAM family distribution, takes 'gaussian' or 'Gamma'
#' @param  base_k = number of knots for each smoother term. Default = -1, mgcv  uses generalized cross-validation
#' @param  smoother = cubic regression spline method (cr is default)
#' @keywords gam
#' @export
#' @examples
#' gam_dev_exp

gam_dev_exp<-function(dataset, exp.names, indicator, family, base_k=-1, smoother='cr'){

  # library(gamm4)

  # Arguments:
  # dataset = dataset containing y and all x covariates. should be scaled and centered (mean = 0, sd = 1)
  # exp.names = explanatory covariate names, passed as vector of characters
  # indicator = y variable of interest (character)
  # family = GAM family distribution, takes 'gaussian' or 'Gamma'
  # base_k = number of knots for each smoother term. Default = -1, mgcv  uses generalized cross-validation
  # smoother = cubic regression spline method (cr is default)

# Returns: 
  # proportion deviance explained for each exp. covariate.

  #assigning dataset to global env. to make function general. had issues using local objects with MuMIn 

                          # Build global model 

## rearrange exp.names for gam notation, specifying knots ('base_k') and smoother term ('smoother')
t<-unlist(strsplit(exp.names, ' + ', fixed=TRUE))
smooth.exp.names<-paste('s(',t, ', k =', base_k, ', bs = ',shQuote(smoother), ')', sep='')
smooth.exp.names<-paste(smooth.exp.names,  collapse=' + ')

# create formula for GAM
f.smooth <- as.formula(paste(indicator, smooth.exp.names, sep="~"))
f.null <- as.formula(paste(indicator, 1, sep='~'))

## build global GAM and null GAM
if(family == 'Gamma'){
M_FULL<-gam(f.smooth,   data=dataset, family=Gamma(link=log))
M_NULL<-gam(f.null, data=dataset, family=Gamma(link=log))

if(family == 'gaussian'){
M_FULL<-gam(f.smooth,  data=dataset, family='gaussian')
M_NULL<-gam(f.null, data=dataset, family='gaussian')

## save global deviance
## save null deviance

                          # Build saturated models, save deviance for each 

dev<-data.frame(EXP = t, deviance.sat=NA)

for(i in 1:length(t)){

  # recreate GAM formula dropping one exp. covariate
  t.temp<-unlist(strsplit(exp.names, ' + ', fixed=TRUE))
  smooth.exp.temp<-paste('s(',t.temp, ', k =', base_k, ', bs = ',shQuote(smoother), ')', sep='')
  smooth.exp.temp<-paste(smooth.exp.temp,  collapse=' + ')

  f.smooth.temp<-as.formula(paste(indicator, smooth.exp.temp, sep="~"))

  ## build saturated GAM
  if(family == 'Gamma'){
  M_temp<-gam(f.smooth.temp, sp=M_FULL$sp[-i],  data=ind.scaled, family=Gamma(link=log))}

  if(family == 'gaussian'){
  M_temp<-gam(f.smooth.temp,  sp=M_FULL$sp[-i], data=ind.scaled, family='gaussian')}



                  # Calculate proportion deviance explained  
dev$deviance.exp<-(dev$deviance.sat - dev.global)/dev.null


jpwrobinson/funk documentation built on Nov. 21, 2021, 11:23 p.m.