
Defines functions scaler

Documented in scaler

#' Scaling and centering explanatory covariates
#' function to scale numeric and categorical variables for multi-model approaches. Categorical covariates must be provided as factors and will be converted to 0,1 dummy variables.
#' @param df = dataset containing all response, explanatory, and grouping factors
#' @param ID = names of grouping variables that should not be scaled; provide as c("Var1", "Var2")
#' @param centered = should the function center the mean at 0? (defaults to TRUE)
#' @param scaled = should the function scale each variable by its standard deviation? (defaults to TRUE)
#' @keywords multimodel, demean, scale
#' @export
#' @examples
#' scaler

scaler<-function(df, ID, centered=TRUE, scaled=TRUE, cats = TRUE, ...){

  ## Function parameters
  #	df = dataframe containing all response, explanatory, and grouping factors
  #	ID = names of grouping variables that should not be scaled; provide as c("Var1", "Var2")
  #	centered = should the function center the mean at 0?
  #	scaled = should the function scale each variable by its standard deviation?

  ###--------------------Begin function--------------------###

  # strip NAs and drop NA factor levels

  ## extract ID variables

  #--------------------scale the numeric variables--------------------#

  numerics<-sapply(df, is.numeric)
  dat_cont<-df[, numerics]
  dat_cont<-dat_cont[,!colnames(dat_cont)%in%ID, drop=F] ## drop any numeric ID variables
  scaled_cont<-scale(dat_cont, center=TRUE)

  scaled.df<-cbind(ID.vars, data.frame(scaled_cont))

  ## END
jpwrobinson/funk documentation built on Nov. 21, 2021, 11:23 p.m.