Man pages for jranke/mkin
Kinetic Evaluation of Chemical Degradation Data

add_errAdd normally distributed errors to simulated kinetic...
AIC.mmkinCalculate the AIC for a column of an mmkin object
anova.saem.mmkinAnova method for saem.mmkin objects
awCalculate Akaike weights for model averaging
CAKE_exportExport a list of datasets format to a CAKE study file
check_failedCheck if fit within an mhmkin object failed
confint.mkinfitConfidence intervals for parameters of mkinfit objects
create_deg_funcCreate degradation functions for known analytical solutions
D24_2014Aerobic soil degradation data on 2,4-D from the EU assessment...
DFOP.solutionDouble First-Order in Parallel kinetics
dimethenamid_2018Aerobic soil degradation data on dimethenamid and...
ds_mixedSynthetic data for hierarchical kinetic degradation models
endpointsFunction to calculate endpoints for further use from kinetic...
experimental_data_for_UBAExperimental datasets used for development and testing of...
Extract.mmkinSubsetting method for mmkin objects
FOCUS_2006_datasetsDatasets A to F from the FOCUS Kinetics report from 2006
FOCUS_2006_DFOP_ref_A_to_BResults of fitting the DFOP model to Datasets A to B of FOCUS...
FOCUS_2006_FOMC_ref_A_to_FResults of fitting the FOMC model to Datasets A to F of FOCUS...
FOCUS_2006_HS_ref_A_to_FResults of fitting the HS model to Datasets A to F of FOCUS...
FOCUS_2006_SFO_ref_A_to_FResults of fitting the SFO model to Datasets A to F of FOCUS...
focus_soil_moistureFOCUS default values for soil moisture contents at field...
FOMC.solutionFirst-Order Multi-Compartment kinetics
f_time_norm_focusNormalisation factors for aerobic soil degradation according...
get_deg_funcRetrieve a degradation function from the mmkin namespace
hierarchical_kineticsHierarchical kinetics template
HS.solutionHockey-Stick kinetics
illparmsMethod to get the names of ill-defined parameters
ilrFunction to perform isometric log-ratio transformation
intervals.saem.mmkinConfidence intervals for parameters in saem.mmkin objects
IORE.solutionIndeterminate order rate equation kinetics
llhistPlot the distribution of log likelihoods from multistart...
loftestLack-of-fit test for models fitted to data with replicates
logistic.solutionLogistic kinetics
logLik.mkinfitCalculated the log-likelihood of a fitted mkinfit object
logLik.saem.mmkinlogLik method for saem.mmkin objects
lrtest.mkinfitLikelihood ratio test for mkinfit models
max_twa_parentFunction to calculate maximum time weighted average...
mccall81_245TDatasets on aerobic soil metabolism of 2,4,5-T in six soils
mean_degparmsCalculate mean degradation parameters for an mmkin row object
mhmkinFit nonlinear mixed-effects models built from one or more...
mixedCreate a mixed effects model from an mmkin row object
mkindsA dataset class for mkin
mkindsgA class for dataset groups for mkin
mkinerrminCalculate the minimum error to assume in order to pass the...
mkinerrplotFunction to plot squared residuals and the error model for an...
mkinfitFit a kinetic model to data with one or more state variables
mkin_long_to_wideConvert a dataframe from long to wide format
mkinmodFunction to set up a kinetic model with one or more state...
mkinparplotFunction to plot the confidence intervals obtained using...
mkinplotPlot the observed data and the fitted model of an mkinfit...
mkinpredictProduce predictions from a kinetic model using specific...
mkinresplotFunction to plot residuals stored in an mkin object
mkin_wide_to_longConvert a dataframe with observations over time into long...
mmkinFit one or more kinetic models with one or more state...
multistartPerform a hierarchical model fit with multiple starting...
naftaEvaluate parent kinetics using the NAFTA guidance
NAFTA_SOP_2015Example datasets from the NAFTA SOP published 2015
NAFTA_SOP_AttachmentExample datasets from Attachment 1 to the NAFTA SOP published...
nlmeHelper functions to create nlme models from mmkin row objects
nlme.mmkinCreate an nlme model for an mmkin row object
nobs.mkinfitNumber of observations on which an mkinfit object was fitted
parmsExtract model parameters
parplotPlot parameter variability of multistart objects
plot.mixed.mmkinPlot predictions from a fitted nonlinear mixed model obtained...
plot.mkinfitPlot the observed data and the fitted model of an mkinfit...
plot.mmkinPlot model fits (observed and fitted) and the residuals for a...
plot.naftaPlot the results of the three models used in the NAFTA...
read_spreadsheetRead datasets and relevant meta information from a...
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
residuals.mkinfitExtract residuals from an mkinfit model
saemFit nonlinear mixed models with SAEM
schaefer07_complex_caseMetabolism data set used for checking the software quality of...
set_nd_nqSet non-detects and unquantified values in residue series...
SFORB.solutionSingle First-Order Reversible Binding kinetics
SFO.solutionSingle First-Order kinetics
sigma_twocompTwo-component error model
statusMethod to get status information for fit array objects
summary_listingDisplay the output of a summary function according to the...
summary.mkinfitSummary method for class "mkinfit"
summary.mmkinSummary method for class "mmkin"
summary.nlme.mmkinSummary method for class "nlme.mmkin"
summary.saem.mmkinSummary method for class "saem.mmkin"
synthetic_data_for_UBA_2014Synthetic datasets for one parent compound with two...
test_data_from_UBA_2014Three experimental datasets from two water sediment systems...
transform_odeparmsFunctions to transform and backtransform kinetic parameters...
update.mkinfitUpdate an mkinfit model with different arguments
jranke/mkin documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 10:11 p.m.