
Defines functions expected_value_activity

Documented in expected_value_activity

#' Flip a coin three times for every student
#' Gives everyone in class a number of heads flipped out of three (in case they don't have coins for the expected value activity).
#' @export
expected_value_activity <- function(){
  num_heads = rbinom(length(section),3,0.5)
  for (i  in 1:length(section)){
    if (num_heads[i]==1){
      cat(paste(section[i],": You flipped ",toString(num_heads[i])," head.\n",sep=""))
    } else{
      cat(paste(section[i],": You flipped ",toString(num_heads[i])," heads.\n",sep=""))
jrpriceUPS/Math160UPS documentation built on April 28, 2024, 12:41 p.m.