shinyBoots-package: shinyBoots Package Documentation

shinyBoots-packageR Documentation

shinyBoots Package Documentation


This package contains functions to make it easier to create a reactive website using Twitter Bootstrap and Shiny. It also contains some functions to make it easier to connect to local database servers.


The package contains functions that fall into the following general categories: functions to create boostrap elements, functions to create a reactive app with CRUD functions (create, retrieve, update, and delete), functions to create charts and visualizations, functions to handle CSV files in a Shiny app, and functions to manipulate data.


actionLink - creates an action link that can be used to trigger server-side functions

box and boxUI - creates box containers in the UI

buttonModal - creates a button that opens a modal

buttonRow - creates a row of buttons

createLaunchModal - creates a modal that launches on web site load

createLoadModalScript - creates a modal script to launch a modal on web site load

createPrezModalScript - creates a modal that can contain a Google Slides presentation

createUIModal - creates a modal that can contain a Shiny UI

trackingScriptOut - creates a tracking script for Google Analytics

valueBoxGroup - creates a group of value boxes


CastData - casts data as part of a CRUD series of functions

CreateData - appends or creates data

DeleteData - deletes the selected record

GetNextId - gets the next ID in a list of records

GetTableMetadata - gets table metadata (often useful in creating forms for the UI, etc.)

ReadData - reads data from a saved source

UpdateData - updates the selected record

UpdateInputs - updates inputs in UI as part of a CRUD series of functions


csvFile - handles the input of the CSV file input (server-side function)

csvFileInput - creates csv file input (UI-side function)

Data Manipulation

changeToDrilldownSeries - change a dataset to a drilldown series for use with Highcharter

changeToSeries - change any dataset into a series for use with Highcharter

colToDate - convert a character time column into a date and strip out hour and day

filterData - dynamically filter through data with lazy evaluation

filterNotData - dynamically filter through data with lazy evaluation (opposite of above - filters for NOT cases)

prepSeries - prepare a data set to be converted into a series for use in Highcharter (uses mean)

prepSeriesSum - prepare a data set to be converted into a series for use in Highcharter (uses sum)

summarizeDrilldownSeries - create a summary series for a drilldown chart with Highcharter

wideToLong - change the shape of data from wide to long (columns converted to different factors in a single column)


loadPkgs - loads a list of packages from a specified location

problemPackages - removes and then loads problematic packages


createQuery - query a variety of different databases

loadData - returns a data frame that is the output of a SQL query

saveData - saves the data frame to a specific SQL table

setSQLOptions - sets SQL default options for making database connections


createAreaChart - creates an area chart with Highcharter

createColumn - creates a column chart with Highcharter

createDrilldown - create a drilldown chart with Highcharter

createHeatmap - creates a heatmap with Highcharter

createWaterfall - creates a waterfall chart with Highcharter

highcharterOptions - sets highcharter options

second_el_to_numeric - converts a list to numeric for use with highcharter drilldown charts


Maintainer: Jordan DeHerrera

jsdeherrera/shinyBoots documentation built on March 9, 2024, 3:03 a.m.