
Defines functions calculate_tp_in get_version_list stop_if_not_exists get_if_not_exists temp_path cache_path

Documented in cache_path

#' cache_path
#' Return path to OS agnostic cache location specified by the rappdirs package
#' @export
cache_path <- function() paste0(rappdirs::user_data_dir(
  appname   = "NES",
  appauthor = "NES"), .Platform$file.sep)

temp_path <- function() tempdir()

get_if_not_exists <- function(id, target, versioned_path){
    cn <- dataone::CNode("PROD")
    mn <- dataone::getMNode(cn, "urn:node:KNB")

    message(paste0("Downloading DataONE package ", id, " ..."))
    dt <- dataone::getPackage(mn, id)
    td <- tempdir()
    unzip(dt, exdir = td)
                     recursive = TRUE, pattern = "NES",
                     include.dirs = TRUE, full.names = TRUE),
          exdir = versioned_path)
    message(paste0("A local copy of the NES data already exists at one of: ",
                   paste(unlist(target, use.names = FALSE), collapse = " ")))

stop_if_not_exists <- function(src_path) {
    stop(paste0("Dataset not found at: ", src_path,
          "\n Try running the appropriate `get*` and/or `compile` commands."))

get_version_list <- function(...){
  list.files(cache_path(), pattern = ".rds$", ...)

calculate_tp_in <- function(nes){
  # kg to mg
  nes$tp_in <- nes$p_total * 1000000
  # cms to l per year
  nes$tp_in / ((nes$total_inflow * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365) / 0.001)
jsta/nesRdata documentation built on Oct. 16, 2023, 4:40 a.m.