
Defines functions wkt2spdf

                      #WKT to sp data frame
#v0.2 - N. Billet - add CRS option in args, default to "+proj=longlat"
#v0.1 - N. Billet - initial version
wkt2spdf <- function(df, wkt_col_name, id_col_name, crs="+proj=longlat")
    stop("You have to install the \"rgeos\" library.")

    stop(paste("Cannot found the specified WKT column name (\"", wkt_col_name, "\") in the specified data frame.", sep=""))

    stop(paste("Cannot found the specified ID column name (\"", id_col_name, "\") in the specified data frame.", sep=""))

  if(length(which(duplicated(df[,which(names(df)==id_col_name)])==TRUE)) > 0)
    stop(paste("The ID is not unique in the specified data frame.", sep=""))

  wkt2sp <- function(wkt, id)
    readWKT(wkt, p4s=CRS(crs), id=as.character(id))
  sp_object_list <- mapply(wkt2sp, df[,which(names(df)==wkt_col_name)], df[,which(names(df)==id_col_name)])

  if(length(sp_object_list) == 0)
    stop("Empty list.")

  names(sp_object_list) <- df[,which(names(df)==id_col_name)]
  sp_object_collection <- do.call(rbind, sp_object_list)
  row.names(df) <- df[,which(names(df)==id_col_name)]

    return(SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(sp_object_collection, data=df))
  } else {
      return(SpatialPointsDataFrame(sp_object_collection, data=df))
    } else {
      stop(paste("Type ", class(sp_object_list[[1]]), " not yet implmented."), sep="")
jsubei/IRDTunaAtlas documentation built on June 28, 2024, 1:23 p.m.