
Defines functions ftree.validate

ftree.validate<-function(DF, ft_node=1) {					
## initial validation code suitable for cutsets and bdd calls on C++					
## mission_time must be in the P2 column of the  top gate node					

## this test is commented out for testing without FaultTree package installed					
#  if(!FaultTree::test.ftree(DF)) stop("first argument must be a fault tree")					
## test that there are no empty gates, all tree leaves must be basic component events					
## Identify gates and events by ID					
	if(length(setdiff(gids, pids))>0) {				
	stop(paste0("no children at gate(s) ID= ", setdiff(gids, pids)))				
	if(!ft_node %in% gids) stop("ft_node is not a gate")				
	if(any(DF$Type==13) || any(DF$Type==15) || any(DF$Type==16)) {				
	stop("ALARM, VOTE, and atLeast gates are not implemented for cutsets calls")				
	if(any(DF$Type==14) ) {				
	warning("PRIORITY gates are implemented as AND gates in cutsets calls")				
	if(any(DF$Type==3)) {				
	stop("Pure Demand event not implemented for cutsets calls")				
##  issue warning if default tags must be issued.					
	if(any(DF$Tag[which(DF$Type<9)]=="")) {				
	warning("Not all basic-events have tags, defaults applied")				
## mission time validation is only applicable to SCRAM processing			
## Validate mission_time setting for application of Active or Latent events			
##	mt<-DF$P2[which(DF$ID==min(DF$ID))]		
##	if(!mt>0 && (any(DF$Type==1) || any(DF$Type==2))) {		
##		warning("mission_time not avaliable for application on Active or Latent events,  continuous RAM has been assumed")	
##	}		
## This warning should never be seen Note: DF$Type==5 with DF$EType==1 might have exposure time override			
##	if(!mt>0 && any(DF$Type==5)) {		
##		warning("mission_time not avaliable for exposed events, default 10,000 has been applied")	
##	}		
## must assure that all tags are filled with unique strings					
## MOE/MOB elements and gates must use source tags 					
	if(any(DF$Tag=="")) {					
		for(df_row in blank_tags) {				
## MOE sources are designated -1, while no MOE involvement designated as 0					
			if(DF$MOE[df_row]<1) {			
				if(DF$Type[df_row]>9) {		
					if(DF$Type[df_row]==9) {	
## now need the else block for MOE/MOB					
jto888/FaultTree.BDD.Reference documentation built on Feb. 13, 2020, 12:34 a.m.