
#' D-study (Decision)
#' \code{dstudy} runs a D-study from the results of a \code{\link{gstudy}} and computes, for a
#' certain number of queries, the expected generalizability coefficient \code{Erho2} and index of
#' dependability \code{Phi}, possibly with confidence intervals. Alternatively, it can estimate the
#' number of queries needed to achieve a certain level of stability, also with confidence intervals.
#' @param gdata The result of running a \code{\link{gstudy}} with existing data.
#' @param queries A vector with different query set sizes for which to estimate Erho2 and Phi.
#'   Defaults to the number of queries used to compute \code{gdata}.
#' @param stability A vector with target Erho2 and Phi values to estimate required query set sizes.
#' @param alpha A vector of confidence levels to compute intervals for Erho2, Phi and query set
#'   sizes. This is the probability on each side of the interval, so for a 90\% confidence interval
#'   one must set \code{alpha} to 0.05.
#' @return An object of class \code{\link{dstudy}}, with the following components:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{Erho2}, \code{Erho2.lwr}, \code{Erho2.upr} \tab Expected generalizability coefficient, and
#'   lower and upper limits of the intervals around it. \cr
#' \code{Phi}, \code{Phi.lwr}, \code{Phi.upr} \tab Expected index of dependability, and lower and
#'   upper limits of the intervals around it. \cr
#' \code{n.q_Erho2}, \code{n.q_Erho2.lwr}, \code{n.q_Erho2.upr} \tab Expected number of queries to
#'   achieve the generalizability coefficient, and lower and upper limits of the intervals around
#'   it. \cr
#' \code{n.q_Phi}, \code{n.q_Phi.lwr}, \code{n.q_Phi.upr} \tab Expected number of queries to achieve
#'   the index of dependability, and lower and upper limits of the intervals around it. \cr
#' \code{call} \tab A list with the \code{\link{gstudy}} used in this D-study, the target number of
#'   \code{queries}, target level of \code{stability} and \code{alpha} level for the confidence
#'   intervals. \cr
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{gstudy}}, \code{\link{gt2tau}}
#' @author Julián Urbano
#' @references R.L. Brennan (2001). Generalizability Theory. Springer.
#'   L.S. Feldt (1965). The Approximate Sampling Distribution of Kuder-Richardson Reliability
#'   Coefficient Twenty. Psychometrika, 30(3):357–370.
#'   C. Arteaga, S. Jeyaratnam, and G. A. Franklin (1982). Confidence Intervals for Proportions of
#'   Total Variance in the Two-Way Cross Component of Variance Model. Communications in Statistics:
#'   Theory and Methods, 11(15):1643–1658.
#'   J. Urbano, M. Marrero and D. Martín (2013). On the Measurement of Test Collection Reliability.
#'   ACM SIGIR, pp. 393-402.
#' @examples
#' g <- gstudy(adhoc3)
#' dstudy(g)
#' # estimate stability at various query set sizes
#' dstudy(g, queries = seq(50, 200, 10))
#' # estimate required query set sizes for various stability levels
#' dstudy(g, stability = seq(0.8, 0.95, 0.01))
#' # compute both 95% and 99% confidence intervals
#' dstudy(g, stability = 0.9, alpha = c(0.05, 0.01) / 2)
#' # compute 1-tailed 95% confidence intervals
#' dstudy(g, alpha = 0.05)
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats qf
dstudy <- function(gdata, queries = gdata$n.q, stability = 0.95, alpha = 0.025) {
  if(!inherits(gdata, "gstudy"))
    stop("gdata is not a valid g-study object.")
  if(length(alpha) > 1 && length(queries) > 1)
    stop("Only one of 'alpha' and 'queries' may have multiple values")
  if(length(alpha) > 1 && length(stability) > 1)
    stop("Only one of 'alpha' and 'stability' may have multiple values")
  if(any(queries < 1))
    stop("Number of queries must be one or more")
  if(any(stability <= 0 | stability >= 1))
    stop("Target stability must be in (0,1)")
  if(any(alpha <= 0 | alpha >= 1))
    stop("Significance level must be in (0,1)")

  # Point estimates for the indicated n.q
  Erho2_ <- gdata$var.s / (gdata$var.s + gdata$var.e / queries)
  n.q_Erho2 <- ceiling((stability * gdata$var.e) / (gdata$var.s * (1 - stability)))

  Phi_ <- gdata$var.s / (gdata$var.s + (gdata$var.q + gdata$var.e) / queries)
  n.q_Phi <- ceiling((stability * (gdata$var.q + gdata$var.e)) / (gdata$var.s * (1 - stability)))

  # Interval estimates
  df.s <- gdata$n.s - 1
  df.q <- gdata$n.q - 1
  df.e <- df.s * df.q

  Erho2.lwr <- gdata$em.s / (gdata$em.e * qf(1-alpha, df.s, df.e))
  Erho2.lwr <- (Erho2.lwr - 1) / gdata$n.q
  n.q_Erho2.lwr <- ceiling(stability / (Erho2.lwr * (1 - stability)))
  Erho2.lwr <- queries * Erho2.lwr / (1 + queries * Erho2.lwr)

  Erho2.upr <- gdata$em.s / (gdata$em.e * qf(alpha, df.s, df.e))
  Erho2.upr <- (Erho2.upr - 1) / gdata$n.q
  n.q_Erho2.upr <- ceiling(stability / (Erho2.upr * (1 - stability)))
  Erho2.upr <- queries * Erho2.upr / (1 + queries * Erho2.upr)

  Phi.lwr <- gdata$em.s^2 - qf(1-alpha, df.s, Inf) * gdata$em.s * gdata$em.e
  Phi.lwr <- Phi.lwr + (qf(1-alpha, df.s, Inf) - qf(1-alpha, df.s, df.e)) *
    qf(1-alpha, df.s, df.e) * gdata$em.e^2
  Phi.lwr <- Phi.lwr / ( (gdata$n.s - 1) * qf(1-alpha, df.s, Inf) * gdata$em.s * gdata$em.e +
                           qf(1-alpha, df.s, df.q) * gdata$em.s * gdata$em.q )
  Phi.lwr <- gdata$n.s * Phi.lwr / (gdata$n.s * Phi.lwr + gdata$n.q)
  n.q_Phi.lwr <- ceiling(stability * (1 - Phi.lwr) / (Phi.lwr * (1 - stability)))
  Phi.lwr <- queries * Phi.lwr / (1 + (queries - 1) * Phi.lwr)

  Phi.upr <- gdata$em.s^2 - qf(alpha, df.s, Inf) * gdata$em.s * gdata$em.e
  Phi.upr <- Phi.upr + (qf(alpha, df.s, Inf) - qf(alpha, df.s, df.e)) *
    qf(alpha, df.s, df.e) * gdata$em.e^2
  Phi.upr <- Phi.upr / ( (gdata$n.s - 1) * qf(alpha, df.s, Inf) * gdata$em.s * gdata$em.e +
                           qf(alpha, df.s, df.q) * gdata$em.s * gdata$em.q )
  Phi.upr <- gdata$n.s * Phi.upr / (gdata$n.s * Phi.upr + gdata$n.q)
  n.q_Phi.upr <- ceiling(stability * (1 - Phi.upr) / (Phi.upr * (1 - stability)))
  Phi.upr <- queries * Phi.upr / (1 + (queries - 1) * Phi.upr)

  res <- list(
    Erho2 = Erho2_, Phi = Phi_,
    n.q_Erho2 = n.q_Erho2, n.q_Phi = n.q_Phi,
    Erho2.lwr = Erho2.lwr, Erho2.upr = Erho2.upr,
    Phi.lwr = Phi.lwr, Phi.upr = Phi.upr,
    n.q_Erho2.lwr = n.q_Erho2.lwr, n.q_Erho2.upr = n.q_Erho2.upr,
    n.q_Phi.lwr = n.q_Phi.lwr, n.q_Phi.upr = n.q_Phi.upr,
    call = list(gstudy = gdata,
                queries = queries, stability = stability, alpha = alpha
  class(res) <- "dstudy"

#' @export
print.dstudy <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("\nSummary of D-Study\n")
  cat("    queries =", x$call$queries, "\n")
  cat("  stability =", x$call$stability, "\n")
  cat("      alpha =", x$call$alpha, "\n")

  # Stability
  if(length(x$call$alpha) > 1){
    cat("                                           Erho2                                   Phi\n")
    cat("             -----------------------------------   -----------------------------------\n")
    cat("       Alpha    Expected       Lower       Upper      Expected       Lower       Upper\n")
    cat(" ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------   ----------- ----------- -----------\n")
    for(i in seq_along(x$call$alpha))
      cat("", sprintf("%*.5g", 11, x$call$alpha[i]),
          sprintf("%*.5g", 11, x$Erho2[1]),
          sprintf("%*.5g", 11, x$Erho2.lwr[i]),
          sprintf("%*.5g", 11, x$Erho2.upr[i]),
          " ",
          sprintf("%*.5g", 11, x$Phi[1]),
          sprintf("%*.5g", 11, x$Phi.lwr[i]),
          sprintf("%*.5g", 11, x$Phi.upr[i]), "\n")
    cat("                                           Erho2                                   Phi\n")
    cat("             -----------------------------------   -----------------------------------\n")
    cat("     Queries    Expected       Lower       Upper      Expected       Lower       Upper\n")
    cat(" ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------   ----------- ----------- -----------\n")
    for(i in seq_along(x$call$queries))
      cat("", sprintf("%*.5g", 11, x$call$queries[i]),
          sprintf("%*.5g", 11, x$Erho2[i]),
          sprintf("%*.5g", 11, x$Erho2.lwr[i]),
          sprintf("%*.5g", 11, x$Erho2.upr[i]),
          " ",
          sprintf("%*.5g", 11, x$Phi[i]),
          sprintf("%*.5g", 11, x$Phi.lwr[i]),
          sprintf("%*.5g", 11, x$Phi.upr[i]), "\n")

  # Number of queries
  cat("\nRequired number of queries:\n")
  if(length(x$call$alpha) > 1){
    cat("                                           Erho2                                   Phi\n")
    cat("             -----------------------------------   -----------------------------------\n")
    cat("       Alpha    Expected       Lower       Upper      Expected       Lower       Upper\n")
    cat(" ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------   ----------- ----------- -----------\n")
    for(i in seq_along(x$call$alpha))
      cat("", sprintf("%*.5g", 11, x$call$alpha[i]),
          sprintf("%*.5g", 11, x$n.q_Erho2[1]),
          sprintf("%*.5g", 11, x$n.q_Erho2.upr[i]),
          sprintf("%*.5g", 11, x$n.q_Erho2.lwr[i]),
          " ",
          sprintf("%*.5g", 11, x$n.q_Phi[1]),
          sprintf("%*.5g", 11, x$n.q_Phi.upr[i]),
          sprintf("%*.5g", 11, x$n.q_Phi.lwr[i]), "\n")
    cat("                                           Erho2                                   Phi\n")
    cat("             -----------------------------------   -----------------------------------\n")
    cat("   Stability    Expected       Lower       Upper      Expected       Lower       Upper\n")
    cat(" ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------   ----------- ----------- -----------\n")
    for(i in seq_along(x$call$stability))
      cat("", sprintf("%*.5g", 11, x$call$stability[i]),
          sprintf("%*.5g", 11, x$n.q_Erho2[i]),
          sprintf("%*.5g", 11, x$n.q_Erho2.upr[i]),
          sprintf("%*.5g", 11, x$n.q_Erho2.lwr[i]),
          " ",
          sprintf("%*.5g", 11, x$n.q_Phi[i]),
          sprintf("%*.5g", 11, x$n.q_Phi.upr[i]),
          sprintf("%*.5g", 11, x$n.q_Phi.lwr[i]), "\n")
julian-urbano/gt4ireval documentation built on May 20, 2019, 4:21 a.m.