modelFromLambdas: Maxent model from .lambdas file.

View source: R/modelFromLambdas.R

modelFromLambdasR Documentation

Maxent model from .lambdas file.


modelFromLambdas returns an R function for a given Maxent model, using the .lambdas file produced by the MaxEnt program to parameterize the model. The returned function gives predictions of the model in "raw output" format from values of explanatory variables.


modelFromLambdas(file, raw = FALSE)



pathway to the .lambdas file of a given Maxent model


Logical. Should the function return raw Maxent output instead of PRO?


The modelFromLambdas function returns a Maxent model, in the form of a function that calculates Maxent predictions for given values of explanatory variables.

Input to the function returned by modelFromLambdas are values of explanatory variables in the model. The format of this input must be an array (matrix or data frame) with m columns, and column names must match variable names in the .lambdas file used to reproduce the model.


returns an R function (object).

julienvollering/MIAmaxent documentation built on Aug. 25, 2024, 11:34 p.m.