  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "man/figures/README-",
  out.width = "100%"


The goal of fishphylo is to import sequence data from GenBank and from Fasta files and build basic phylogenetic trees.


You can install the development version from GitHub with:

``` {r, eval = TRUE, results='hide'}



# Use
## import sequences from GenBank and export a .fasta file

Load this project as a library.

You will need to install the package msa that is available on Bioconductor. You can install it using the following commands:

if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE))

Now, specify the names of taxa and the gene for which you want to download DNA sequences from Genebank

ls_tax_gen <- cb_taxa_gene(c("Pomatoschistus lozanoi","Pomatoschistus adriaticus"),"COI")

Write a fasta file with the sequences.

ls_fasta <- build_fasta(ls_tax_gen)

The file has been saved in :file_folder: data.

Combine sequences from two fasta files

Read a fasta file generated by write_fasta function (from GenBank), display accession numbers and species name, keep only accessions specified by a vector of indices:

fas1 <- read_fasta("pomlozANDpomadri_COI_seqs.fasta")
disp_access(fas1) # display accession numbers and species name
keep <- c(1:4,9) # selection accessions 1 to 4 and accession 9
fas1 <- fas1[keep] # create a fasta object with only the selection accessions

Read a fasta file located in the data folder (e.g., sequences sent by Laure) and combine the accessions with those of the first fasta

fas2 <- read_fasta("20201104_COI_fish.fasta")
fas <- c(fas1,fas2)
write_fasta(ls_fasta,"combined_seq.fasta") # it is necessary to write the new list of accessions in a fasta file

Build a simple NJ phylogenetic tree

First, we need to align the sequences. This function works only from a fasta file located in :file_folder: data

fas <- align_fasta("combined_seq.fasta")

Plot a NJ tree based on JC69 distance matrix, with bootstraps

NJ_tree <- build_MLtree(fas,"example.tre")

jurenoult/fishphylo documentation built on Jan. 1, 2021, 7:12 a.m.