Man pages for juyeongkim/lastfmr
An R interface to

album_getInfoGet the metadata and tracklist for an album.
album_getTagsGet the tags applied by an user to an album.
album_getTopTagsGet the top tags for an album, ordered by popularity.
album_searchSearch for an album by name.
artist_getCorrectionGet corrections of an artist name.
artist_getInfoGet info of an artist.
artist_getSimilarGet all the artists similar to this artist.
artist_getTagsGet the tags applied by an individual user to an artist.
artist_getTopAlbumsGet the top albums for an artist.
artist_getTopTagsGet the top tags for an artist.
artist_getTopTracksGet the top tracks by an artist.
artist_searchSearch for an artist by name.
chart_getTopArtistsGet the top artists chart.
chart_getTopTagsGet the top tags chart.
chart_getTopTracksGet the top tracks chart.
geo_getTopArtistsGet the most popular artists on by country.
geo_getTopTracksGet the most popular tracks on last week by country.
library_getArtistsGet a list of the artists in a user's library.
track_getCorrectionGet corrections of a track title or artist.
track_getInfoGet the metadata for a track.
track_getSimilarGet the similar tracks for this track.
track_getTagsGet the tags applied by an individual user to a track.
track_getTopTagsGet the top tags for this track.
track_searchSearch for a track by track name.
user_getFriendsGet a list of the user's friends.
user_getInfoGet information about a user profile.
user_getLovedTracksGet the last 50 tracks loved by a user.
user_getPersonalTagsGet the user's personal tags.
user_getRecentTracksGet a list of the recent tracks listened to by user.
user_getTopAlbumsGet the top albums listened to by a user.
user_getTopArtistsGet the top artists listened to by a user.
user_getTopTagsGet the top tags listened to by a user.
user_getTopTracksGet the top tracks listened to by a user.
user_getWeeklyAlbumChartGet an album chart for a user profile.
user_getWeeklyArtistChartGet an artist chart for a user profile.
user_getWeeklyChartListGet a list of available charts for this user.
user_getWeeklyTrackChartGet an track chart for a user profile.
juyeongkim/lastfmr documentation built on June 6, 2019, 12:07 a.m.