
Defines functions addHandler addHandler.default addHandlerChanged addHandlerChanged.default addHandlerClicked addHandlerClicked.default addHandlerDoubleclick addHandlerDoubleclick.default addHandlerRightclick addHandlerRightclick.default addHandlerShiftclick addHandlerShiftclick.default addHandlerControlclick addHandlerControlclick.default addHandlerColumnclicked addHandlerColumnclicked.default addHandlerColumnDoubleclicked addHandlerColumnDoubleclicked.default addHandlerColumnRightclicked addHandlerColumnRightclicked.default addHandlerSelect addHandlerSelect.default addHandlerSelectionChanged addHandlerSelectionChanged.default addHandlerFocus addHandlerFocus.default addHandlerBlur addHandlerBlur.default addHandlerDestroy addHandlerDestroy.default addHandlerUnrealize addHandlerUnrealize.default addHandlerExpose addHandlerExpose.default addHandlerKeystroke addHandlerKeystroke.default addHandlerMouseMotion addHandlerMouseMotion.default addHandlerIdle addPopupMenu addPopupMenu.default addRightclickPopupMenu addRightclickPopupMenu.default addDropSource addDropSource.default addDropTarget addDropTarget.default addDragMotion addDragMotion.default blockHandlers blockHandlers.default blockHandler blockHandler.default unblockHandlers unblockHandlers.default unblockHandler unblockHandler.default removeHandler removeHandler.default

Documented in addDragMotion addDragMotion.default addDropSource addDropSource.default addDropTarget addDropTarget.default addHandler addHandlerBlur addHandlerBlur.default addHandlerChanged addHandlerChanged.default addHandlerClicked addHandlerClicked.default addHandlerColumnclicked addHandlerColumnclicked.default addHandlerColumnDoubleclicked addHandlerColumnDoubleclicked.default addHandlerColumnRightclicked addHandlerColumnRightclicked.default addHandlerControlclick addHandlerControlclick.default addHandler.default addHandlerDestroy addHandlerDestroy.default addHandlerDoubleclick addHandlerDoubleclick.default addHandlerExpose addHandlerExpose.default addHandlerFocus addHandlerFocus.default addHandlerIdle addHandlerKeystroke addHandlerKeystroke.default addHandlerMouseMotion addHandlerMouseMotion.default addHandlerRightclick addHandlerRightclick.default addHandlerSelect addHandlerSelect.default addHandlerSelectionChanged addHandlerSelectionChanged.default addHandlerShiftclick addHandlerShiftclick.default addHandlerUnrealize addHandlerUnrealize.default addPopupMenu addPopupMenu.default addRightclickPopupMenu addRightclickPopupMenu.default blockHandler blockHandler.default blockHandlers blockHandlers.default removeHandler removeHandler.default unblockHandler unblockHandler.default unblockHandlers unblockHandlers.default

##' @include BasicInterface.R

## Handlers

##' Generic method to add a handler passing a signal
##' A GUI is made interactive by assigning handlers to user-generated
##' events, such as a mouse click, change of widget state, or keyboard
##' press. In \pkg{gWidgets2} handlers are assigned through various
##' \code{addHandlerXXX} methods. The handlers are functions whose
##' first argument should expect a list with components \code{obj} (to
##' pass in the receiver object) and \code{action} (to pass in any
##' user-supplied value to the \code{action} argument). Some handlers
##' add other components, such as mouse position information on a
##' click, or key information on a keyboard event.
##' Although the \code{add_handler} method, to which \code{addHandler}
##' dispatches, is basically the workhorse to add a handler to
##' response to a signal, it generally isn't called directly, as its
##' use is not cross toolkit. Rather, if possible, one should use the
##' \code{addHandlerXXX} methods to add a handler. These dispatch to
##' this (basically) but do so in a toolkit independent manner.
##' This call (and the others) returns a handler ID which may be used
##' for some toolkits later on to remove, block or unblock the
##' call. All handlers for a widget may be blocked or unblocked via
##' \code{blockHandlers} and \code{unblockHandlers}.
##' @param obj object receiving event and emitting a signal to the handler
##' @param signal toolkit signal, e.g. "clicked"
##' @param handler handler to assign when signal is emitted. A handler
##' is a function, its first argument should expect a list with
##' components \code{obj} containing a reference to the object and
##' \code{action}. Some handlers are passed additional values.
##' @param action passed to handler to parameterize call.
##' @param ... passed along
##' @note This method is not toolkit independent, as the signal value depends on the toolkit
##' @return a handler ID which can be used to block/unblock or remove the handler
##' @seealso \code{\link{blockHandlers}},
##' \code{\link{unblockHandlers}}, \code{\link{blockHandler}},
##' \code{\link{unblockHandler}}, and \code{\link{removeHandler}}
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
addHandler <- function(obj, signal, handler, action=NULL, ...) UseMethod("addHandler")

##' Default S3 method
##' @inheritParams addHandler
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
##' @method addHandler default
addHandler.default <- function(obj, signal, handler, action=NULL, ...) 
  obj$add_handler(signal, handler, action=action, ...) 

##' Add a handler to the generic "changed" event, which is the main event for a widget
##' The "changed" event varies wildly amongst the widgets, but is
##' meant to be the most "obvious" one. Typically this is also similar
##' to "selected".
##' The "changed" event is also the one that a handler
##' passed to the constructor is called on. 
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
addHandlerChanged <- function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...) UseMethod("addHandlerChanged")

##' Default S3 method
##' @inheritParams addHandler
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
##' @method addHandlerChanged default
addHandlerChanged.default <- function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...)
  obj$add_handler_changed(handler, action=action, ...)

##' Add handler for clicked event
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
addHandlerClicked <- function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...) UseMethod("addHandlerClicked")

##' Default S3 method
##' @inheritParams addHandler
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
##' @method addHandlerClicked default
addHandlerClicked.default <-  function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...)
    obj$add_handler_clicked(handler, action=action, ...)

##' Add handler for double click event
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
addHandlerDoubleclick <- function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...) UseMethod("addHandlerDoubleclick")

##' Default S3 method
##' @inheritParams addHandler
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
##' @method addHandlerDoubleclick default
addHandlerDoubleclick.default <- function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...)
  obj$add_handler_double_clicked(handler, action=action, ...)

##' Add handler for right click event
##' This may not be supported by all toolkits.
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
addHandlerRightclick <- function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...) UseMethod("addHandlerRightclick")

##' Default S3 method
##' @inheritParams addHandler
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
##' @method addHandlerRightclick default
addHandlerRightclick.default <- function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...)
  obj$add_handler_right_clicked(handler, action=action, ...)

##' Add handler for shift click event
##' This may not be supported by all toolkits.
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
addHandlerShiftclick <- function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...) UseMethod("addHandlerShiftclick")

##' Default S3 method
##' @inheritParams addHandler
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
##' @method addHandlerShiftclick default
addHandlerShiftclick.default <- function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...)
  obj$add_handler_shift_clicked(handler, action=action, ...)

##' Add handler for control+click event
##' This may not be supported by all toolkits.
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
addHandlerControlclick <- function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...) UseMethod("addHandlerControlclick")

##' Default S3 method
##' @inheritParams addHandler
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
##' @method addHandlerControlclick default
addHandlerControlclick.default <- function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...)
  obj$add_handler_control_clicked(handler, action=action, ...)

##' Add handler for column click event
##' For table widgets (\code{gtable}, \code{gdf}) clicking the column
##' header should trigger this event. The column that is clicked on is
##' passed back in the component \code{column}.
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
addHandlerColumnclicked <- function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...) UseMethod("addHandlerColumnclicked")

##' Default S3 method
##' @inheritParams addHandler
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
##' @method addHandlerColumnclicked default
addHandlerColumnclicked.default <- function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...)
  obj$add_handler_column_clicked(handler, action=action, ...)

##' Add handler for column double click event
##' If defined (\code{gtable}, \code{gdf}) calls event handler for
##' double click enent. Passes back column information through
##' \code{column} component.
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
addHandlerColumnDoubleclicked <- function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...) UseMethod("addHandlerColumnDoubleclicked")

##' Default S3 method
##' @inheritParams addHandler
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
##' @method addHandlerColumnDoubleclicked default
addHandlerColumnDoubleclicked.default <- function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...)
  obj$add_handler_column_double_clicked(handler, action=action, ...)

##' Add handler for column right click event
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
addHandlerColumnRightclicked <- function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...) UseMethod("addHandlerColumnRightclicked")

##' Default S3 method
##' @inheritParams addHandler
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
##' @method addHandlerColumnRightclicked default
addHandlerColumnRightclicked.default <- function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...)
  obj$add_handler_column_right_clicked(handler, action=action, ...)

##' Add a handler to the a "select" event
##' The select event defaults to the "changed" event.
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
addHandlerSelect <- function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...) UseMethod("addHandlerSelect")

##' Default S3 method
##' @inheritParams addHandlerSelect
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
##' @method addHandlerSelect default
addHandlerSelect.default <- function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...)
  obj$add_handler_select(handler, action=action, ...)

##' Add a handler to the a "selection-changed" event
##' The "select" event is when a user "selects" an object, the
##' "selection changed" event is when the selection changes. The
##' distinction is in table and tree widgets where a user may select
##' values with a single click yet want to initiate an action with a
##' double click. The latter is the "addHandlerSelect" event, the
##' former the "addHandlerSelectionChanged" event.
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
addHandlerSelectionChanged <- function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...) UseMethod("addHandlerSelectionChanged")

##' Default S3 method
##' @inheritParams addHandlerSelectionChanged
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
##' @method addHandlerSelectionChanged default
addHandlerSelectionChanged.default <- function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...)
  obj$add_handler_selection_changed(handler, action=action, ...)

##' Add handler for focus in event
##' When a widget has the focus, it will receive the keyboard
##' input. This handler is called when a widget receives the focus.
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
addHandlerFocus <- function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...) UseMethod("addHandlerFocus")

##' Default S3 method
##' @inheritParams addHandler
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
##' @method addHandlerFocus default
addHandlerFocus.default <-   function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...)
  obj$add_handler_focus(handler, action=action, ...)

##' Add handler for blur, or focus-out, event
##' A blur or focus out event for a widget triggers this event handler
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
addHandlerBlur <- function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...) UseMethod("addHandlerBlur")

##' Default S3 method
##' @inheritParams addHandler
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
##' @method addHandlerBlur default
addHandlerBlur.default <-  function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...)
  obj$add_handler_blur(handler, action=action, ...)

##' Add handler for destroy event
##' When a widget is destroyed, a handler can be assigned to perform any clean up tasks that are needed.
##' @seealso \code{\link{addHandlerUnrealize}}.
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
addHandlerDestroy <- function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...) UseMethod("addHandlerDestroy")

##' Default S3 method
##' @inheritParams addHandler
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
##' @method addHandlerDestroy default
addHandlerDestroy.default <-  function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...)
  obj$add_handler_destroy(handler, action=action, ...)

##' Add handler for unrealize event for a top-level window
##' For gwindow objects this handler is called before the window is
##' closed. If this handler returns \code{TRUE} the window will be
##' closed, if \code{FALSE} the window will not be closed. In
##' contrast, the "destroy" handler does not allow conditional
##' destruction.
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
addHandlerUnrealize <- function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...) UseMethod("addHandlerUnrealize")

##' Default S3 method
##' @inheritParams addHandler
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
##' @method addHandlerUnrealize default
addHandlerUnrealize.default <-  function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...)
  obj$add_handler_unrealize(handler, action=action, ...)

##' Add handler for expose event (when a widget is exposed, say it had been covered)
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
addHandlerExpose <- function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...) UseMethod("addHandlerExpose")

##' Default S3 method
##' @inheritParams addHandler
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
##' @method addHandlerExpose default
addHandlerExpose.default <-  function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...)
  obj$add_handler_expose(handler, action=action, ...)

##' Add handler for keystroke events
##' The "h" argument has components \code{key} for the key and possibly \code{modifier} for the modifier.
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
addHandlerKeystroke <- function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...) UseMethod("addHandlerKeystroke")

##' Default S3 method
##' @inheritParams addHandler
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
##' @method addHandlerKeystroke default
addHandlerKeystroke.default <-  function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...)
  obj$add_handler_keystroke(handler, action=action, ...)

##' Add handler for mousemotion events
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
addHandlerMouseMotion <- function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...) UseMethod("addHandlerMouseMotion")

##' Default S3 method
##' @inheritParams addHandler
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
##' @method addHandlerMouseMotion default
addHandlerMouseMotion.default <-  function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...)
  obj$add_handler_mouse_motion(handler, action=action, ...)

##' Add an idle handler
##' deprecated. See \code{\link{gtimer}}.
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
addHandlerIdle <- function( ...) {
  .Deprecated("No addHandleIdle method. Use gtimer for that purpose")

##' Add a "popup" menu to the widget
##' Defaults to adding a right-click mouse popup menu, better known as a
##' context menu, though some toolkits have both this and the latter
##' provided. 
##' @param menulist a list of \code{gaction} items or a \code{gmenu} instance
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
addPopupMenu <- function(obj, menulist, action=NULL, ...) UseMethod("addPopupMenu")

##' S3 method for popup menu
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
##' @method addPopupMenu default
addPopupMenu.default <-  function(obj, menulist, action=NULL, ...)
  obj$add_popup_menu(menulist, action=action, ...)

##' Add a context  "popup" menu to the widget
##' These menus are also known as context menus, though there isn't
##' really a good mechanism within \pkg{gWidgets2} to make the menu
##' items context sensitive.
##' @inheritParams addPopupMenu
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
addRightclickPopupMenu <- function(obj, menulist, action=NULL, ...) UseMethod("addRightclickPopupMenu")

##' S3 method for popup menu
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
##' @method addRightclickPopupMenu default
addRightclickPopupMenu.default <-  function(obj, menulist, action=NULL, ...)
  obj$add_3rd_mouse_popup_menu(menulist, action=action, ...)

##' Alias for poor initial name choice
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
##' @method addRightclickPopupMenu default
##' @aliases addRightclickPopupMenu
add3rdmousePopupMenu <- addRightclickPopupMenu

##' Alias for poor punctation choice
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
##' @method addRightclickPopupMenu default
##' @aliases addRightclickPopupMenu
add3rdMousePopupMenu <- add3rdmousePopupMenu

##' Specify a widget is a source for a drop action
##' Drag and drop requires one to register widgets a sources for
##' dragging, a widgets as a targets for dropping.
##' To specify the values that is transferred in a drag and drop
##' event, the handler specified here should return the value to pass
##' via drag and drop. It will appear as the \code{dropdata} component
##' of the list passed in as the first argument of the drop handler
##' @inheritParams addHandler
##' @param data.type Type of data returned. It is either text or an object
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
addDropSource <- function(obj, handler, action=NULL, data.type=c("text", "object"), ...) UseMethod("addDropSource")

##' Default S3 method
##' @inheritParams addHandler
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
##' @method addDropSource default
addDropSource.default <-  function(obj, handler, action=NULL, data.type=c("text", "object"), ...)
  obj$add_drop_source(handler, action=action, data.type=match.arg(data.type), ...)

##' Specify that a widget is a drop target
##' The handler is called on the drop event. The component
##' \code{dropdata} passes in the value being transferred by dragging.
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
addDropTarget <- function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...) UseMethod("addDropTarget")

##' Default S3 method
##' @inheritParams addHandler
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
##' @method addDropTarget default
addDropTarget.default <-  function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...)
  obj$add_drop_target( handler, action=action, ...)

##' When a drag event crosses over the object the handler is called. 
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
addDragMotion <- function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...) UseMethod("addDragMotion")

##' Default S3 method
##' @inheritParams addHandler
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
##' @method addDragMotion default
addDragMotion.default <-  function(obj, handler, action=NULL, ...)
  obj$add_drag_motion( handler, action=action, ...)

##' block all handlers for object
##' Block all handlers for an object. Removed via unblockHandlers.
##' @return NULL
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
blockHandlers <- function(obj, ...) UseMethod("blockHandlers")

##' S3 method to block all handlers
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
##' @method blockHandlers default
blockHandlers.default <- function(obj, ...) obj$block_handlers(...)

##' Block a handler
##' @param ID returned by addHandler. If missing will try to block all handler passed to constructor
##' @note For the gWidgets2Qt package one can not block, unblock or
##' remove a single handler, but rather must do all the objects
##' handlers at once.
##' @seealso \code{\link{blockHandlers}} to block all handlers for widget
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
blockHandler <- function(obj, ID, ...) UseMethod("blockHandler")

##' S3 method to block handler
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
##' @method blockHandler default
blockHandler.default <- function(obj, ID, ...) obj$block_handler(ID)

##' method call to unblock global handler block.
##' The block is a counter that gets decremented. If more
##' blockHandlers calls are made than unblockHandlers, the handlers
##' will still be blocked.
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
unblockHandlers <- function(obj, ...) UseMethod("unblockHandlers")

##' S3 method to block handler
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
##' @method unblockHandlers default
unblockHandlers.default <- function(obj, ...) obj$unblock_handlers()

##' method call to unblock a blocked handler
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
unblockHandler <- function(obj, ID, ...) UseMethod("unblockHandler")

##' S3 method to block handler
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
##' @method unblockHandler default
unblockHandler.default <- function(obj, ID, ...) obj$unblock_handler(ID)

##' method call to unblock a remove permanently handler
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
removeHandler <- function(obj, ID, ...) UseMethod("removeHandler")

##' S3 method to remove handler
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets-handlers
##' @method removeHandler default
removeHandler.default <- function(obj, ID, ...) obj$remove_handler(ID)
jverzani/gWidgets2 documentation built on May 20, 2019, 5:17 a.m.