DONE * export addHandlerChanged, .. * gcheckbox and names -- should be logical



DONE * test gborderlayout * for now, no glayout or gpanedgroup DONE * border in vbox? DONE * gnotebook DONE * gstackwidget


Exmaples to write

DONE * about DONE * handlers DONE * manipuate timers tables (DONE filter, ...)


DONE * canvas DONE* svg (d3?) DONE * images


rook front; export methods (manipulate example!) DONE * about; DONE * gfile can limit size with apache configuration, but can't make graceful via callback DONE * static files, temp_urls, ... (not needed!) DONE * need to limit serach for scripts (script_base=c("example_dir", "/tmp", ...)) i.e. relative to this DONE * clean_up being called? DONE * stock icons are slow (.3sec. could cache, could use urls...) (moved to file, load with static_... need to cache) DONE * handlers: block/unblock all for obje DONE * rename gWidgetsWWW2.rapache DONE * get_id from data base, not DONE * change load mask to center DONE * change_favicon

jverzani/gWidgetsWWW2.rapache documentation built on May 20, 2019, 5:19 a.m.