
var student_answers = {}; var comments = {missing:"Missing answer", correct:"Correct", incorrect:"Incorrect"}; var student_id = "{{{STUDENT_ID}}}"; var page_id = "{{{PAGE_ID}}}";

var manipulate = function(form_id, graph_id, inputs, expression) { var render = function(template, values) { for (value in values) {template = template.replace(new RegExp('%' + value + '%', 'g'), values[value], 'g');} return(template); } var rnd_id = (((1+Math.random())*0x10000)|0).toString(16).substring(1); // oops, from internet search (who?) var converter = new Showdown.converter(); html = converter.makeHtml(inputs); // make HTML from markup $("#" + form_id).append("
" + html + "
") ; // class='form-horizontal' gives wider layout $("#" + graph_id).append(""); //blank $('.noEnterSubmit').keypress(function(e){ if ( e.which == 13 ) return e.preventDefault(); }); var call_expression = function(params, expression) { var tmp = {} $.each(params, function() {console.log(this.value); tmp[] = this.value}); var out = render(expression, tmp); $.post("", {x:out}, function(data, status, xhr) { var data = JSON.parse(data) $("#" + graph_id).children()[0].src = "" + data.graphs[0] + "/png" }) }; $("#" + form_id).on("change ", ':input:not([type="submit"])', function() { //change input call_expression($("#" + rnd_id).serializeArray(), expression); }) call_expression($("#" + rnd_id).serializeArray(), expression); }


Programming web pages with the gWidgets API

  • About
  • ");

    The gWidgetsWWW2.rapache package implements most of the gWidgets API to program interactive web pages with pure R code.

    The gWidgets API is a simple-to-learn set of constructors and methods that make easy the specifying of widgets for a GUI, their layout and their interactions. The API is implemented, to varying degrees, for use with the RGtk2, tcltk and qtbase packages to make desktop GUIs. This package provides the ability to serve such interfacess with the apache web server through Jeffrey Horner's rapache module linking R with `apache.

    Implementing the API for web programming took some iterations. The gWidgetsWWW package (documented in the JSS article was the first start. That package was rewritten to take advantage of the Rook package interfacing with R's httpd server and incorporated reference classes instead of the proto package. The result was gWidgetsWWW2. With that package, serving pages locally through Rook works fine, but the package did not play nicely with rapache to serve pages remotely. (One could use Rook for this, but that method doesn't scale well.)

    This package, gWidgetsWWW2.rapache, then is a rewrite of the plumbing to serve pages through apache and a streamlining of some of the functionality. The main technical issue involved having the callbacks in R share their environment amongst potentially many R processes spawned by apache. The solution used was to work to make these environments small enough that they can be serialized/unserialized to disk in a reasonable amount of time.

  • Basic usage
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    Once installed (see below) the use of the package is fairly simple. One places a script into the appropriate directory. The name of this script then maps to the URL that will call the script. A simple "hello-world" script might look like:

    w <- gwindow('Hello world title')
    g <- gvbox(cont=w)
    b <- gbutton('Click me world', cont=g)
    addHandlerChanged(b, function(h,...) {
      galert('Hello world!')

    The above script demonstrates the main points of the package:

    If this script is saved as test.R in the proper directory, then the page will load through a url such as .

    There are more examples in the examples directory of the package. A default installation has these accessible out of the box.

  • Components
  • ");


    Containers are used to organize components (controls or other containers). Unlike some GUI toolkits, the layout of child components is integrated into the specification of the widget. The widget constructors have a container argument where the parent is specified. (E.g., above we had gvbox(cont=w) to next the vertical box container inside the top-level window.) Layout arguments are given at the time of construction, such asexpandorfill`.

    The package implements most -- but not all -- of the containers in the gWidgets API:

    Not implemented are the table layout container (glayout) and the paned container (gpanedgroup). The gformlayout container covers most uses of the former and the latter can be implemented with gborderlayout (though that container does not like to be nested within other containers.)

    Containers have just a few methods:


    The gWidgets API has several controls specified. A control allows the user to interact with the GUI or the programmer to display information for the user. Most controls have some event that will trigger a callback, if specified. For most controls, this event is clear and is identified through the generic addHandlerChanged. As seen above, for a button this is the clicking of the button. A few controls have more than one event they can respond. For these, there are other addHandlerXXX methods.

    The basic controls are:

    Implemented in gWidgetsWWW2 but not (yet) in gWidgetsWWW2.rapache are gtree, ggooglemaps, and gdf.

    The main widget methods are

  • Handlers
  • ");

    In addition to user-defined callbacks, all widgets with a state have a transport handler defined for it that copies changes in the GUI back to the R process. As such, these callbacks happen often. Each callback requires the handling R process to unserialize an environment containing the scope of the callback, call the handler, then serialize the environment so it can be shared with other processes. This should happen quickly. To make this the case, the environment must be kept small. (In gWidgetsWWW2 it was seen that environments with reference classes do not serialize small and so this took far too long.) To ensure that a few compromises are needed:

    By employing these compromises, the response time for handling an event was kept down to between 30 and 100ms. Not great, but acceptable. We don't try to track keystrokes in gedit or all updates for the gslider widget, but otherwise, most things work with this response time.


    The gtimer constructor can be used to call a handler after some prescribed period of time. The call can be repeated (the default) or be one.shot. This can be useful, say, if a long running process is implemented. The user can interact with multiple R processes, so even if one is tied up on a long computation, the interface should still be usable. The gtimer constructor should be able to poll until the process is complete to carry back the results to the browser.

    The manipulate example shows one use of gtimer that unfortunately has no better idiom within this framework. That example has several combo boxes. The value of a combobox is only available after the data is loaded. This is done asynchronously. As such, the initial graphic can not be made until after some unknow period. Unfortunately, there is no hook (in gWidgetsWWW2.rapache) to defer the graphic call to happen until after that event. Instead, we just use a one-shot timer with a heuristically chosen delay to pause before making the call to create the initial graphic.

  • Graphics
  • ");

    The display of graphics has several different options:

    The gcanvas solution is best for quickly refreshing a graph produced with R's base graphics. It does not work with lattice graphics or ggplot2. One can do low level commands on the JavaScript canvas object.

    The gsvg solution is arguably the best looking, but flickers when the graphic is refreshed making it not such a great choice for interactive graphics.

    The gimage solution looks fine and is nearly as responsive as gcanvas.

    There are a few examples in the examples directory including an implementation of RStudio's manipulate package which shows how all three can be used.

  • Data
  • ");

    The gfile constructor can be used to allow a user to upload data to the server. A cap on the size of the upload can be specified when rapache is configured.

    The widget calls any upload callback when the data is successfully uploaded. The example in the examples directory shows how gstackwidget can be used to open a new page once the data is uploaded. Otherwise, the callback can update portions of the current GUI to reflect the change in state.

    The uploaded file and its name are passed back to the callback via the svalue method (the path of the uploaded file) and [ (the original name).

  • Persistence
  • ");

    Each time a page is loaded (even when refreshed) a new environment is made for evaluating any callbacks. As such, the data within a page is not persistent across page loads unless it is programmed to be so. One can write to the file system or data base to keep values across sessions. (The package uses a redis server for this purpose.)

  • Start up
  • ");

    The initial web page is constructed through various stages:

    Of these, the time of the last two steps depends on the complexity of the GUI design. In basic testing with a modest machine, each additional widget takes about 40ms to load with a base initialization of around 100ms (40ms is a minimum, more complex widgets will take longer). So a not-so-complex interface with 20 or so widgets will take around 1 second or more to fetch from the server. It may take another second for the browser to actually process the JavaScript. Once loaded the pages are fairly responsive, but the initial loading can seem somewhat slow. A loading mask it employed to indicate that activity is taking place.

  • JavaScript
  • ");

    The package uses the ExtJS libraries provided by These are widely used in commercial and GPL projects. There may be some restrictions on their use in your project, there may not be. I don't know and don't want to.

    JavaScript is a language that can be used to manipulate a web page in numerous ways. The package makes no assumption that an R user knows JavaScript. Rather, its novelty is to make it easy for non-web programmers to create web pages. That being said, there are a few ways one with JavaScript knowledge can integrate that into the framework.

    The ExtJS API is very rich and far more extensive than that provided by gWidgets. The function call_ext can be used to call a method on an object not available through the base interface.

    Each constructor has an argument ext.args for passing in extra arguments to the ExtJS constructor. This is specified with a list that is converted to a JavaScript object through the function list_to_object.

    When a callback is run, the package creates JavaScript to pass back to the browser. So a command like svalue(obj) <- "some value" will produce the appropriate JavaScript. Each command has its JavaScript added to a queue. One can add their own JavaScript commands to the queue via the push_queue function. For example, to use the browsers alert dialog add this to a handler

    push_queue("alert('hello world')")

    Finally, the gpanel widget does nothing more than make a DIV tag on the page to be filled in by JavaScript. The widget allows one to load some external JavaScript code asynchronously and call a handler once loaded.

  • Security
  • ");

    Web security is a big deal. There is the potential for malicious intent on the part of a user. This package provides no additional security features, but standard web safety guidelines should be followed. (E.g., don't eval code that a user can upload, ...) With the advent of cloud-based servers, you might want to deploy your server in a stand-alone manner.

  • Debugging
  • ");

    Debugging scripts is made more difficult, as the scripts must be processed through the browser. Here are some useful tricks:

  • Installation:
  • ");

    Installing this software requires a few steps:

    install_github("gWidgetsWWW2.rapache", "jverzani")
    LoadModule R_module /usr/libexec/apache2/

    The location of is system dependent, the above is a Mac OS X installation point.

    RSourceOnStartup 'system.file("rapache", startup.R", package="gWidgetsWWW2.rapache")'

    Alternatively, one can copy that file to the file system and modify it. The option gWidgetsWWW2.rapache::script_base is the most important, as this specifies where to look for files.

    <Location /gw>
         LimitRequestBody 1024000
         SetHandler r-handler
         ## from system.file("rapache", "www2.R", package="gWidgetsWWW2.rapache")
         RFileHandler /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/2.15/Resources/library/gWidgetsWWW2.rapache/rapache/www2.R

    The above uses the base url for accessing scripts. (So the url causes a search for the file ex.R in the directory (directories) specified through the option gWidgetsWWW2.rapache::script_base.

    The LimitRequestBody limits the size of file uploads. A value of 0 is use to indicate no limit.

    The path of the www2.R script comes from invoking system.file with the appropriate commands, as indicated in the comment. Alternatively, this script can be copied and modified should there be a need.

    One could add to the above apache configuration, say restricting access using one of apache's modules.

    That's it. Not much harder than installing rapache itself. With the default installation, the examples directory from the package is where URLs will be mapped to. Going to will open a page with links.

    $('body').css('margin', '40px 10px'); $('body').attr('data-spy','scroll');
    var tmp = $(".nav-tabs") $.each(tmp, function(key, value) { $("#" + + " a:first").tab("show") }); $("#navbar").scrollspy(); $("body").attr("data-spy", "scroll"); $("[data-spy=\'scroll\']").each(function () { var $spy = $(this).scrollspy("refresh") }); (function(a){function b(a,b){var c=(a&65535)+(b&65535),d=(a>>16)+(b>>16)+(c>>16);return d<<16|c&65535}function c(a,b){return a<>>32-b}function d(a,d,e,f,g,h){return b(c(b(b(d,a),b(f,h)),g),e)}function e(a,b,c,e,f,g,h){return d(b&c|~b&e,a,b,f,g,h)}function f(a,b,c,e,f,g,h){return d(b&e|c&~e,a,b,f,g,h)}function g(a,b,c,e,f,g,h){return d(b^c^e,a,b,f,g,h)}function h(a,b,c,e,f,g,h){return d(c^(b|~e),a,b,f,g,h)}function i(a,c){a[c>>5]|=128<>>9<<4)+14]=c;var d,i,j,k,l,m=1732584193,n=-271733879,o=-1732584194,p=271733878;for(d=0;d>5]>>>b%32&255);return c}function k(a){var b,c=[];c[(a.length>>2)-1]=undefined;for(b=0;b>5]|=(a.charCodeAt(b/8)&255)<16&&(d=i(d,a.length*8));for(c=0;c<16;c+=1)e[c]=d[c]^909522486,f[c]=d[c]^1549556828;return g=i(e.concat(k(b)),512+b.length*8),j(i(f.concat(g),640))}function n(a){var b="0123456789abcdef",c="",d,e;for(e=0;e>>4&15)+b.charAt(d&15);return c}function o(a){return unescape(encodeURIComponent(a))}function p(a){return l(o(a))}function q(a){return n(p(a))}function r(a,b){return m(o(a),o(b))}function s(a,b){return n(r(a,b))}function t(a,b,c){return b?c?r(b,a):s(b,a):c?p(a):q(a)}"use strict",typeof define=="function"&&define.amd?define(function(){return t}):a.md5=t})(this); function comment_default(grade, stud_ans, comment, def) { var cmt = ""; if(grade == 100) { cmt = def.correct; } else if(typeof(comment) != "undefined") { if(typeof(comment[stud_ans]) != "undefined") { cmt = comment[stud_ans]; } else { cmt = def.incorrect; } } else { cmt = def.incorrect; } return cmt; }; function comment_checkgroup(grade, stud_ans, comment, def) { var tmp = []; $.each(stud_ans, function(key, value) {if(value !== null) tmp.push(value)}); return comment_default(grade, tmp.sort().join("::"), comment, def); }; function comment_numeric(grade, stud_ans, value, comment, def) { var cmt = ""; if(grade == 100) { cmt = def.correct; } else if(typeof(comment) != "undefined") { if(stud_ans < value[0]) { if(typeof(comment.less) != "undefined") { cmt = comment.less } else { cmt = def.incorrect } } else if(stud_ans > value[1]) { if(typeof(comment.more) != "undefined") { cmt = comment.more } else { cmt = def.incorrect } } } else { cmt = def.incorrect; } return cmt; } function grade_radio(ans, value) {console.log(ans + ":" + value);ans=ans.replace(/\\/g, "").replace(/\s/g,"");value=value.replace(/\\/g,"").replace(/\s/g,""); return( ans == value ? 100 : 0) }; function grade_checkboxgroup(ans, value) { var out=[]; $.each(ans, function(key, value) { if(value != null) { out.push(value) }}); if(out.length != value.length) { return(0) }; out = out.sort(); var value = value.sort() for(var i=0; i < out.length; i++) { if(out[i] != value[i]) { return(0) } } return(100) }; function grade_typeahead(ans, value) { return( (ans == value) ? 100 : 0 )}; function grade_combo(ans, value) { return( (ans == value) ? 100 : 0) }; function grade_numeric(ans, value) {var ans = parseFloat(ans); return( (ans >= value[0] && ans <= value[1]) ? 100 : 0) }; function submit_work(status) { $.ajax({ url:"/set_answers", type:"POST", data: { answers:JSON.stringify(student_answers), status:status, project_id:page_id }, success:function(data) { window.location.replace(""); } }); }; var is_open=false; function write_grade_table() { var a = student_answers; if(is_open) { $("#gradealert").alert('close'); } else { $("#grade_alert").append('
    '); $("#fillmein").append('
    '); $("#gradealert").append('

    Congratulations, your scores so far are:

    '); $("#gradealert").append(''); $("#gradealert").append("
    "); $("#grade_alert_table").append('ProblemScoreComment'); var icon_lookup = {true:"icon-thumbs-up", false:"icon-thumbs-down", missing:"icon-warning-sign"}; var msg_lookup = {true:"Correct", false: "Incorrect", missing:"Missing"}; $.each(a, function() { $("#grade_alert_table").append("" + "" + "" + "Problem " + this.problem.replace("prob_", "") + "" + " " + " " + msg_lookup[this.grade] + "" + "" + this.comment + "" + ""); }) $("#grade_alert_table").append(''); $(".grade_clicker").each(function() { this.onclick = function() {$("#gradealert").alert('close')}}) $("#gradealert").alert(); is_open = true; $("#gradealert").bind("closed", function() {is_open=false}); } }; $(document).ready(function() { $(".btn").button() var cmt_defaults={correct:comments.correct, incorrect:comments.incorrect, missing:comments.missing }; var fix_badge = function(key, tries, answer, comment) { $('#' + key + "_badge").each(function() {this.innerHTML = tries + (tries == 1 ? " try" : " tries")}); $.each(['badge-info', 'badge-warning', 'badge-success'], function(idx, value) { $('#' + key + "_badge").removeClass(value) }); if(answer == true) { $('#' + key + "_badge").addClass("badge-success"); } else { $('#' + key + "_badge").addClass("badge-warning"); }; $('#' + key + "_help").each(function() { this.innerHTML= "
    ×" + comment + "
    "; }); } var close_comment = function(key) { $("#" + key + "_comment > .alert").alert("close"); }; $("[type=\'radio\']").each(function() { student_answers[]={, type:'radio', tries:0}; this.onchange = function() { var key =; var sans = this.value; var answer = grade_radio(sans, actual_answers[key].value); var comment = comment_default(answer, sans, comments[key], cmt_defaults); var tries = student_answers[key].tries + 1; student_answers[key] = { problem:key, type:'radio', tries:tries, answer:sans, grade:answer, comment:comment }; fix_badge(key, tries, answer, comment); } } ); $("[type=\'checkbox\']").each(function() { var n = $("#" + + "> .checkbox").length var ans = {}; for(i=1; i <= n; i++) {ans[ + "_" + i] = null;} student_answers[] = { problem:, type:'checkbox', tries:0, answer:ans }; this.onchange = function() { var key =; var sans = student_answers[key].answer; if(this.checked) { sans[] = this.value; } else { sans[] = null; } var answer = grade_checkboxgroup(sans, actual_answers[key].value); var comment = comment_checkgroup(answer, sans, comments[key], cmt_defaults); var tries = student_answers[key].tries + 1; student_answers[key] = { problem:key, type:'checkbox', tries:tries, answer:sans, grade:answer, comment:comment }; fix_badge(key, tries, answer, comment) } }); $(".typeahead").each(function() { if( > 0) { student_answers[]={, type:'typeahead', tries:0}; } this.onchange = function() { var key =; var sans = this.value; var answer = grade_typeahead(sans, actual_answers[key].value); var comment = comment_default(answer, sans, comments[key], cmt_defaults); var tries = student_answers[key].tries + 1; student_answers[key] = { problem:key, type:"typeahead", tries:student_answers[key].tries + 1, answer:sans, grade:answer, comment:comment }; fix_badge(key, tries, answer, comment) } }); $(".combobox").each(function() { student_answers[]={, type:'combo', tries:0}; this.onchange = function() { var key =; var sans = this.value; var answer = grade_combo(sans, actual_answers[key].value); var comment = comment_default(answer, sans, comments[key], cmt_defaults); var tries = student_answers[key].tries + 1; student_answers[key] = { problem:key, type:"combo", tries:tries, answer:sans, grade:answer, comment:comment }; fix_badge(key, tries, answer, comment) } }); $(".numeric_answer").each(function() { student_answers[]={, type:'numeric', tries:0}; this.onchange = function() { var key =; var sans = this.value; var answer = grade_numeric(sans, actual_answers[key].value); var comment = comment_numeric(answer, sans, actual_answers[key].value, comments[key], cmt_defaults); var tries = student_answers[key].tries + 1; student_answers[key] = { problem:key, type:"numeric", tries:tries, answer:sans, grade:answer, comment:comment }; fix_badge(key, tries, answer, comment) } }); $(".free").each(function() { student_answers[]={, type:'free', tries:0}; this.onchange = function() { var key =; var sans = this.value; student_answers[key].answer = sans; }; }); }); var actual_answers=[]; comments={ "missing": "Missing answer","correct": "Correct answer","incorrect": "Incorrect answer" };

    jverzani/gWidgetsWWW2.rapache documentation built on May 20, 2019, 5:19 a.m.