gwidget: Stub for roxygen2 documentation of common arguments for...

Description Usage Arguments

View source: R/gwidget.R


Stub for roxygen2 documentation of common arguments for gWidgets constructors


gwidget(handler, action = NULL, container = NULL, ..., width = NULL,
  height = NULL, ext.args = NULL, expand = NULL, fill = NULL,
  anchor = NULL)



optional means (to addHandlerChanged) to specify a handler for the default signal. A handler is a function with signature (h,...) where h is a list with components obj referring to the object emitting the signal, action containing values passed to the action argument, and possible other values.


Passed to handler to parameterize a call


A parent container. In gWidgetsWWW2 a parent container is not optional (though it can be substituted with the parent argument in some circumstances). The parent specifies the widget heirarchy and the ... argument is used to pass along arguments to layout the child component in the parent container. Typically, these are passed to the add method of the parent container.


Used to pass along argument to the parent container's add method and possible other arguments to the underlying ference class constructors.


width in pixels of component. Sizing in gWidgetsWWW2 is sometimes necessary as the arguments expand and fill are not well implemented.


height in pixels of the component.


The contructors of gWidgetsWWW2 ultimately call an Ext constructor. The options passed to the Ext constructor may be added to or overridden by use of this argument. Values are passed in as named list components and with values converted into JavaScript objects by asJSObject.


Logical or numeric. Does the child component expand to fill the allotted space? If so a flex value can be specified (as a positive integer) that gives weights to all children of the parent container when they expand.


Logical or character. When expand=TRUE, the space allotted to the component grows, but the widget itself may not. The fill argument is a logical value or character string from "both", "x", or "y", where "both" is the same as TRUE. These refer to expansion directions. The widget's may have defaults for expand and fill. Typically, when packing into box containers, child components expand in the orthogonal direction (horizontal boxes have vertical, y, fill values).


specifies where a widget is anchored (using a value in -1, 0,1 cross -1, 0, 1), in the case the widget has more space allocated to it then requested.

jverzani/gWidgetsWWW2 documentation built on Feb. 9, 2020, 5:18 p.m.