
Defines functions gm.tscol

Documented in gm.tscol

#' Time serie bar Graphic Model
#' @description
#' gm.tscol make a bar plot in time serie format. Graphic models function family make graphic creation
#' easy, is recommended for new programers, they have less and easyful parameters then p.tscol but
#' the graphic customize is more limited . The data don't need be a ts object.
#' @param data a dataframe
#' @param ncolx number of x column in data frame
#' @param ncoly number of y column in data frame
#' @param ntimes number of observations to plot (count by tail)
#' @param title title of plot
#' @param ylab y axis label
#' @param percent If TRUE y axis in percent (default=F)
#' @param div100 If data percent are not in decimal format set TRUE.
#' @param fontsize change size of all words in graphic (only numbers)
#' @param datebreaks datebreaks in x axis (default="1 month")
#' @param dateformat format of date in x axis (need a dataformat string) (default ="\%Y-\%m")
#' @param clines color of lines in graphic
#' @param ctext color of words in graphic
#' @param cbackground color of graphic background
#' @param cbserie color of serie border (default= same cbackground)
#' @return Return a graphic.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' v=data.frame("x"=seq.Date(as.Date('2020-01-01'),
#' to = as.Date('2020-04-01'),by='month'),"y"=c(5,3,7,2))
#' gm.tscol(v,1,2,title="Simple example",ntimes=3)
                  fontsize=0,datebreaks='1 months',dateformat="%b/%y",
                   ,dateformat = dateformat,xlab = NULL,ylab=ylab,
                   title = title,datebreaks = datebreaks
                   ,lwdserie = 0.35,ctitles = ctext,cbgrid=cbackground,
                   cserie = utils::tail(metools::p.colorbyvar(data[[ncoly]]),ntimes),
                   cplot = cbackground,cbord=cbackground, cbserie = cbserie,cscales = clines,
                   cticks = clines,titlesize = (24+fontsize), wordssize = (18+fontsize))
jvg0mes/metools documentation built on June 28, 2020, 2:38 a.m.