
#' An S4 class for server
#' @slot baseURL the url or IP of the server
#' @slot port the port to which the server listen
#' @slot path the path relative to the server root directory
#' @slot protocole a protocole
#' @slot init if TRUE an instance of \pkg{servr::httw()} will be started to serve the files
#' @return an url object
#' @examples
#' new("server")
#' @export

         slots = list(baseURL = "character",
                      port = "numeric",
                      path = "character",
                      protocole = "character",
                      rootDir = "character",
                      init = "logical"),
         prototype = list( baseURL = "",
                           port = 5474,
                           path = "/",
                           protocole = "http://",
                           rootDir = file.path( system.file(package = "visualizeR"), "visu" ),
                           init = TRUE)

jwist/visualizeR documentation built on Dec. 1, 2019, 5:11 p.m.