
context("Convergent cross mapping (CCM) with surrogates")

# test_that("ccm works with surrogates in non-parallel mode", {
#   suppressWarnings(
#     ccm_lagged(data = chaoticmaps::dejong_map(n = 80),
#                lags = 0,
#                samples.original = 25,
#                samples.surrogates = 25,
#                surrogate.methods = c("aaft", "random", "iaaft"),
#                n.surrogates = 25,
#                taus = 1,  Es = 2,
#                parallel = F)
#   )}
# )

# test_that("ccm works with surrogates in parallel mode", {
#   suppressWarnings(
#     ccm_lagged(data = chaoticmaps::dejong_map(n = 80),
#                lags = 0,
#                samples.original = 25,
#                samples.surrogates = 25,
#                surrogate.methods = "aaft",
#                n.surrogates = 25,
#                taus = 1,  Es = 2,
#                parallel = T)
#   )
#   }
# )
kahaaga/tstools documentation built on May 24, 2019, 5:01 a.m.