
#' @include mortalityTable.R

#' Return the cohort life table as a \code{mortalityTable.period} object
#' @param object The life table object (class inherited from mortalityTable)
#' @param YOB The birth year for which the life table should be calculated
#' @param ... Other parameters (currently unused)
#' @examples
#' mortalityTables.load("Austria_Annuities")
#' tb75 = getCohortTable(AVOe2005R.male, YOB = 1975)
#' # The tb75 is a fixed table with no trend any more
#' plot(AVOe2005R.male, tb75, Period = 2017)
#' @exportMethod getCohortTable
setGeneric("getCohortTable", function(object, YOB, ...) standardGeneric("getCohortTable"));

#' @describeIn getCohortTable Return the cohort life table as a
#'             \code{mortalityTable.period} object
          function(object, YOB, ...) {
                  name = paste(object@name, ", YOB ", YOB),
                  baseYear = YOB,
                  ages = ages(object),
                  deathProbs = deathProbabilities(object, YOB = YOB, ...)
kainhofer/r-mortality-tables documentation built on Dec. 17, 2020, 3:53 a.m.