  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "README-"
# devtools::install_github("rmhogervorst/badgecreatr")
# badgecreatr::badgeplacer(status = "wip" , githubaccount = "kalimu",githubrepo = "LimeRick")
#[![minimal R version](>=-3.3.1-6666ff.svg)](


Project Status: active CRAN_Status_Badge rstudio mirror downloads

Bridge between R and LimeSurvey
by Kamil Wais, Ph. D. (homepage / contact)

The package homepage:

The LimeSurvey homepage:

LimeRick: motivation

LimeRick: tutorial

Installing developer version from GitHub

# install.packages('devtools')

Loading the installed package


Configuring access to a survey

# set link to the LimeSurvey API on the demo remote server
options(lsAPIurl = '')

# set LimeSurvey user login data for survey testing purposes
options(lsUser = "LimeRickDemo")
options(lsPass = "LimeRickDemo")

Low-level API function calls vs. function wrappers

# low-level API call
lsAPI(method = "release_session_key")

# API call using a wrapper function

Setting a connection to a survey

# getting session key for the user and saving it inside a special environment

# if you work with specific local set it now
Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL", "Polish")

Listing available surveys

# listing available surveys
(surveyList = lsList("surveys"))

# extracting ID of demo survey
surveyID = surveyList$sid[1] 

Adding responses via on-line survey questionaire

# try submit your own answers to the demo survey
browseURL(paste0("", surveyID))

or use this link:

Listing survey questions

questionList = lsList("questions", surveyID)

Accessing survey or question properites

We can access 22 question properties and 58 survey properties. For example:

# Is the survey active? (Y - Yes)
lsGetProperties('survey', surveyID)$active

# What is the main text of a given question?
lsGetProperties('question', surveyID, 16)$question

# Is the question mandatory? (Y - Yes)
lsGetProperties('question', surveyID, 16)$mandatory

Checking survey response


Importing responses into R

d = lsGetResponses(surveyID, completionStatus = 'complete')

Adding responses via R

# showing possible options for a particular question
lsGetAnswerOptions(surveyID, questionID = 16)

# specifying a response with the use of question code: surveIDXgroupIDXquestionID
response = list('683736X2X27' = "LimeRick",
                '683736X2X26' = "Adding feedback directly from R",
                '683736X2X16' = "A2",# Academia
                '683736X2X21' = "174" # Poland

# adding the above response 
lsAddResponse(surveyID, response)

# or adding via wrapper function
lsAddFeedback(feedback = "Good job! (Kamil, Poland)", 
              sector = "academia", 
              country = "Poland")

See also:

kalimu/LimeRick documentation built on May 20, 2019, 6:32 a.m.