
#' Search openPoland.net database for a specific dataset.
#' \code{openPolandSearch} returns a data frame with information of available datasets that were found with a given quary.
#' The query from \code{openPolandSearch} function is not case-sensitive.
#' The token authorization is non-obligatory for database searching. 
#' Polish diacritics should also worked within a query.
#' The query parameter is send to API, but the subQuery parameter is search locally after downloading the dataset lists from API.
#' @param query A character string.
#' @param subQuery A characters string.
#' @param token A character string. 
#' @return A data table object with datasets ids and titles that have a query string inside them.
#' @seealso \code{\link{openPolandMeta}} for meta data about datasets, \code{\link{openPolandData}} for downloading a selected dataset via openPoland API, and \code{\link{openPolandFilter}} for filtering locally downloaded dataset with given criterias.
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' openPolandSearch() # returns list of all datasets
#' openPolandSearch(query = 'telef')
#' openPolandSearch(query = "nauczy", subQuery = "akad")
#' # Polish diacritics are also available but remember 
#' # to set Polish localization first if you want to work with properly
#' # formated Polish titles of datasets. 
#' Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL", "Polish")
#' openPolandSearch(query = 'ludno\\u015B\\u0107')
#' }

openPolandSearch = function (query = NULL, 
                             token = NULL,
                             subQuery = NULL) {
    url = "https://openpoland.net/api/list"
    if (!is.null(query)) {
        # query = stringr::str_replace_all(query, pattern = " ", "+")
        # title = str_replace_all(title, pattern = "-", "%2d")

    }  else {
        query = ""

    dt = openPolandAPI(url, query = query, token = token)
    cat(" ",NROW(dt)," datasets found from the query: '",query,"'.\n\n", sep = "")   
    # df = as.data.frame(dt)
    if (!is.null(subQuery)) {
        df = as.data.frame(dt)
        df = df[stringr::str_detect(tolower(df$title),
                                    tolower(subQuery[1])), ]
        dt = data.table::as.data.table(df)

    # df
kalimu/openPoland documentation built on May 20, 2019, 6:32 a.m.