IQ1: IQ-learning: Recommend stage 1 treatment

IQ1R Documentation

IQ-learning: Recommend stage 1 treatment


Recommends the IQ-estimated optimal first-stage treatment for a patient with observed stage 1 variables.


IQ1(mainObj, cmObj, sigObj, dens, h1main, h1cm, h1sig)



object of type learnIQ1main


object of type learnIQ1cm


object of type learnIQ1var


method of density estimation, either "norm" for normal location-scale density estimate or "nonpar" for the empiricial density estimator


vector of observed first-stage main effects corresponding to the variables in H1Main used in learnIQ1main()


vector of observed first-stage main effects corresponding to the variables in H1CMean used in learnIQ1cm()


vector of observed first-stage main effects corresponding to the variables in H1CVar used in learnIQ1var()


Use the estimated optimal first-stage decision rule from learnIQ1() to recommend the best stage 1 treatment for a patient presenting with history h1. It is essential that h1main include the same variables and ordering as H1Main. If a formula was used to fit learnIQ1main(), we recommend checking summary(<learnIQ1main object>) for the correct order of h2. Similarly for h1cm and h1sig. dens can be chosen by looking at a normal QQ-plot of the standardized residuals from the contrast mean and variance modeling steps.



estimated value of the first-stage Q-function when H1=h1 and A1=1


estimated value of the first-stage Q-function when H1=h1 and A1=-1


estimated optimal first-stage treatment for a patient presenting with h1


Kristin A. Linn <>, Eric B. Laber, Leonard A. Stefanski


Linn, K. A., Laber, E. B., Stefanski, L. A. (2015) "iqLearn: Interactive Q-Learning in R", Journal of Statistical Software, 64(1), 1–25.

Laber, E. B., Linn, K. A., and Stefanski, L. A. (2014) "Interactive model building for Q-learning", Biometrika, 101(4), 831-847.

See Also

learnIQ1main, learnIQ1cm, learnIQ1var,


## load in two-stage BMI data
data (bmiData)
bmiData$A1[which (bmiData$A1=="MR")] = 1
bmiData$A1[which (bmiData$A1=="CD")] = -1
bmiData$A2[which (bmiData$A2=="MR")] = 1
bmiData$A2[which (bmiData$A2=="CD")] = -1
bmiData$A1 = as.numeric (bmiData$A1)
bmiData$A2 = as.numeric (bmiData$A2)
s1vars = bmiData[,1:4]
s2vars = bmiData[,c (1, 3, 5)]
a1 = bmiData[,7]
a2 = bmiData[,8]
## define response y to be the negative 12 month change in BMI from
## baseline 
y = -(bmiData[,6] - bmiData[,4])/bmiData[,4]
## second-stage regression
fitIQ2 = learnIQ2 (y ~ gender + parent_BMI + month4_BMI +
  A2*(parent_BMI + month4_BMI), data=bmiData, "A2", c("parent_BMI",
summary (fitIQ2)
## model conditional expected value of main effect term
fitIQ1main = learnIQ1main (~ gender + race + parent_BMI + baseline_BMI
  + A1*(gender + parent_BMI), data=bmiData, "A1", c ("gender",
                                "parent_BMI"), fitIQ2)
## model conditional mean of contrast function
fitIQ1cm = learnIQ1cm (~ gender + race + parent_BMI + baseline_BMI +
  A1*(gender + parent_BMI + baseline_BMI), data=bmiData, "A1", c
  ("gender", "parent_BMI", "baseline_BMI"), fitIQ2)
## variance modeling
fitIQ1var = learnIQ1var (~ gender + race + parent_BMI + baseline_BMI +
  A1*(parent_BMI), data=bmiData, "A1", c ("parent_BMI"), "hetero",
## new patient
h1 = c (1, 1, 30, 35)
optIQ1 = IQ1 (fitIQ1main, fitIQ1cm, fitIQ1var, "nonpar", h1, h1, h1) 

kalinn/iqLearn documentation built on Aug. 4, 2022, 10:15 p.m.