eval_model: Evaluating Models according to Residuals

Description Usage Arguments Value References Examples

View source: R/eval_model.R


Evaluation of models will be done comparing observed with simulated data. Simulated data should be of a higher resolution than observed, while the time of sampling may not match exactly the simulation steps. Additionally, multiple observations (repetitions) may be compared with single simulations.

This function matches predictions and observations according to the variable 'match' within the samples belonging to the same group (i.e. treatment).

No functions are included to contrast predictions with observations, thus they have to be defined by the user. Those functions have to include two arguments, namely 'x' for predictions and 'y' for observations.


eval_model(pred, obs, vars, match, group, FUN = list(), na.rm = FALSE, ...)


pred, obs

Data frames containing predicted and observed variables, respectively.


Character vector with the names of variables to be evaluated.

match, group

Character values or vectors indicating the names of variables used to match observations with predictions and to group treatments (see also match_observations).


List with functions used for the evaluation.


Logical value, whether NAs in predictions and observations have to be skipped or not.


Further arguments passed to approx (see also match_observations).


A data frame.


Janssen PHM, Heuberger PSC (1995). Calibration of process-oriented models. Ecological Modelling 83: 55–66. https://doi.org/10.1016/0304-3800(95)00084-9

Bennett ND et al. (2013). Characterising performance of environmental models. Environmental Modelling and Software 40: 1–20. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2012.09.011


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