knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = FALSE)

Collaborator: Generating Missing Data Reports

Ensuring high levels of completeness within research projects is an important task for ensuring the highest quality dataset for subsequent analyses. However, determining what data is missing within a REDCap project, particularly accounting for appropriately missing data (such as in the case of unfulfilled branching logic) can be a challenging and time-consuming task to produce in real-time.

The report_miss() function is designed to easily produce a high quality and informative report of missing data at a data_access_group and individual record level. This report highlights all missing data within a REDCap project (delineating between appropriately missing and true missing data), while removing all other data (so this can be shared in line with duties of data protection).


The report_miss() function is designed to be simple from the point of use - the only requirements are a valid URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) and API (Application Programming Interface) for the REDCap project.

There is a high degree of customisability, with the following able to be specified to focus on a subset of the dataset:



Record level report

Example of a record level report of missing data. This not only quantifies the missing data within the record, but also highlights it's location within the dataset.

1. Record level summary

2. Missing data locations (column 8 onwards)

collaborator::report_miss(redcap_project_uri = Sys.getenv("collaborator_test_uri"),
                          redcap_project_token = Sys.getenv("collaborator_test_token"))$record %>%
  head(15) %>% # first 15 records

Data access group level report

Example of a data access group (DAG) level report of missing data (summarising missing data for all records within the DAG).

report_miss(redcap_project_uri = Sys.getenv("collaborator_test_uri"),
            redcap_project_token = Sys.getenv("collaborator_test_token"), missing_threshold = 0.2)$group %>%

kamclean/collaborator documentation built on Nov. 17, 2023, 3:52 a.m.