plot_pep: Plot the Posterior Exchangeability of a Basket Trial

View source: R/plot.r

plot_pepR Documentation

Plot the Posterior Exchangeability of a Basket Trial


The posterior exchangeability of the baskets in a MEM analysis can be visualized via an exchangeogram using this function.


plot_pep(x, ...)



basket element of the exchangeability model.


other options passed to ggplot2 to alter the visual characteristics of the plot. See Details for more information.


The plot_pep function attempts to place the basket names to the left of the main diagonal in a way that makes it easy to read. However, for especially long basket names options are provided. Here is a list of all options available to “fine tune” the visualizations. These auxiliary options include:

  • [palette] A color palette consisting of 3 colors: the first corresponds to a low degree of exchangeability, the second to 50 exchangeability, and the third to a high degree of exchangeability. Interpolation between these colors is performed for intermediary degrees of exchangeability.

    [text_color]A text string setting the color of the exchangeability values printed on the plot. (Default "white")

    [tile_color]A text string setting the color of the edges of the tiles. (Default "white") (Default RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(3, "BuGn"))

  • [expand] The proportion to expand the viewport (Default expand = c(0.3, 0.3))

  • [text_size] The text size. (Default 4)

  • [legend_position] The legend position. (Default legend_position = c(0.25, 0.8)

  • [draw_legend] Should the legend be drawn? (Default TRUE)

  • [basket_name_hoffset] The horizontal offset of the basket names.. (Default 0)

  • [basket_name_hjust] The basket name justification.. (Default 1 - right justified)


# Create an MEM analysis of the Vemurafenib trial data.

mem_analysis <- mem_exact(


kaneplusplus/basket documentation built on July 31, 2023, 6:46 p.m.