get_groups <- function(.x) {
groups = attributes(.x)$groups
if (is.null(groups)) {
groups <- tibble(rows = list(seq_len(nrow(.x))))
names(groups)[1] <- ".rows"
groups$name <- "all"
groups$null <- TRUE
} else {
groups$null <- FALSE
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows bind_cols
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom foreach foreach %do% %dopar% getDoParName registerDoSEQ
map_interval_impl <- function(.x, .f, .gen, .combine, time, end = NULL, ...) {
groups <- get_groups(.x)
if (is.null(getDoParName())) {
foreach(i = seq_len(nrow(groups)), .combine = .combine) %dopar% {
group <- groups[[".rows"]][[i]]
grouped <- !groups$null[i]
cn <- names(groups)[1]
group_name <- as.character(groups[[1]][i])
ret <- foreach(it = .gen(.x[group,], time), .combine = .combine) %do% {
.f(it, ...)
if (grouped) {
ret <- bind_cols(tibble({{cn}} := rep(group_name, nrow(ret))), ret)
#' Apply a function to each group and hourly interval in a data.frame
#' @description For checking data represented as a data frame, a column
#' contatining timestamps, and other information associated with the checkin,
#' this functions applies a specified function to the subsets of the
#' data falling within the time interval. This can be used to get check in
#' counts for each hour, for example. In addition, grouped data is supported
#' (using dplyr::group_by) to further specify subsets of specific groups and
#' time intervals on which the function should be applied. The
#' `map_hourly_interval_dfr()` function appends the results by row and
#' `map_hourly_interval_dfc()` function appends results by column.
#' @param .x a data.frame to apply a function to.
#' @param .f the function to apply to the group and hourly interval.
#' @param time the column denoting the checkin times.
#' @param end the end time. By default this is the the end of the hour
#' corresponding to the largest time.
#' @param ... other arguments to pass to the function `.f`.
#' @examples
#' # Count the number of transitions between locations in the checkin data.
#' library(dplyr)
#' data(checkins)
#' from_to <- function(it) {
#' it$duration <- c(diff(it$timestamp), 0)
#' units(it$duration) <- "secs"
#' it$duration <- as.numeric(it$duration)
#' from_duration <- sum(it$duration[it$location == it$location[1]])
#' tibble(from=it$location[1],
#' to = it$location[nrow(it)],
#' timestamp = it$timestamp[1],
#' from_duration = from_duration)
#' }
#' y <- checkins %>%
#' head(100) %>%
#' group_by(id) %>%
#' map_hourly_interval_dfr(from_to, time = "timestamp")
#' @aliases map_hourly_interval_dfc map_hourly_interval
#' @export
map_hourly_interval_dfr <- function(.x, .f, time, end = NULL, ...) {
.x = .x,
.f = .f,
.gen = hour_checkin_gen,
.combine = bind_rows,
time = time,
end = end,
#' @export
map_hourly_interval_dfc <- function(.x, .f, time, end = NULL, ...) {
.x = .x,
.f = .f,
.gen = hour_checkin_gen,
.combine = bind_cols,
time = time,
end = end,
#' Apply a function to each group and iterated interval in a data.frame
#' @description For checking data represented as a data frame, a column
#' contatining timestamps, and other information associated with the checkin,
#' this functions applies a specified function to the subsets of the
#' data falling within the time interval. This can be used to get check in
#' counts for each 15 minutes, for example. In addition, grouped data is
#' supported (using dplyr::group_by) to further specify subsets of specific
#' groups and time intervals on which the function should be applied. The
#' `map_interval_dfr()` function appends the results by row and
#' `map_interval_dfc()` function appends results by column.
#' @param .x a data.frame to apply a function to.
#' @param .gen a time interval iterator generator.
#' @param .f the function to apply to the group and hourly interval.
#' @param time the column denoting the checkin times.
#' @param end the end time. By default this is the the end of the hour
#' corresponding to the largest time.
#' @param ... other arguments to pass to the function `.f`.
#' @examples
#' library(lubridate)
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(purrr)
#' data(checkins)
#' # Create a data set for the first hour of the checkins data.
#' x <- checkins %>%
#' filter(timestamp < min(timestamp) + hours(1))
#' # Create a generator for that hour with 15 minute durations.
#' gen_15 <- partial(time_interval_gen,
#' start = min(x$timestamp),
#' end = max(x$timestamp),
#' duration = minutes(15))
#' checkin_count <- function(it) {
#' tibble(unique_ids = length(unique(it$id)), count = nrow(it))
#' }
#' # Count the number of checkins for each interval.
#' map_interval_dfr(x, gen_15, checkin_count, "timestamp")
#' @aliases map_interval_dfr map_interval
#' @export
map_interval_dfc <- function(.x, .gen, .f, time, end = NULL, ...) {
.x = .x,
.f = .f,
.gen = .gen,
.combine = bind_cols,
time = time,
end = end,
#' @export
map_interval_dfr <- function(.x, .gen, .f, time, end = NULL, ...) {
.x = .x,
.f = .f,
.gen = .gen,
.combine = bind_rows,
time = time,
end = end,
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