Man pages for karawoo/cbccy
Columbia Basin Climate Change Yields

availableCropsGet crop names available for a given location.
availableLocationsGet available locations.
averageTemperaturesAverage temperatures over multiple years.
calcCumGDDcalculate cumulative GDD
calcGDDCalculate growing degree days.
cbccycbccy-package: Tools and analysis for the impact of climate...
createDailyDataCreate daily range climate data.
createPlotFromClimateDatamake the central plot
createPlotFromLocationCreate a plot for a specific location from scratch.
dateVectorCreate a vector of dates.
fetchRawDataFetch raw data
getDataGet chart data for a location.
getLocationCropsGet crops available for a given location.
getLocationDataGet climate data for a location.
is.leapYearTests if year is a leap year.
makeBlankPlotA blank placeholder plot.
makePlotMake a multi-plot plot.
makeTempPlotPlot temperature.
readBinaryDataReads binary climate data.
readClimateDataLoad climate data.
runAppRun R shiny app.
selectAndMergeYearDataSelect and merge year data with day ranges.
setThemeTheme for cbccy plots.
writeBinaryDataWrite a data frame to a binary file.
writeClimateDataWrite climate data to a binary file for each location.
karawoo/cbccy documentation built on May 20, 2019, 7:21 a.m.