
Defines functions DocumentTermMatrix_to_dgTMatrix create_semnet semnet_window semnet

Documented in semnet semnet_window

## double check whether direction of con_prob is correct


#' Create a semantic network based on the co-occurence of tokens in documents
#' @description
#' This function calculates the co-occurence of features and returns a network/graph in the igraph format, where nodes are tokens and edges represent the similarity/adjacency of tokens. Co-occurence is calcuated based on how often two tokens occured within the same document (e.g., news article, chapter, paragraph, sentence). The semnet_window() function can be used to calculate co-occurrence of tokens within a given token distance.
#' @param tc a tCorpus or a featureHits object (i.e. the result of search_features)
#' @param feature The name of the feature column
#' @param measure The similarity measure. Currently supports: "con_prob" (conditional probability), "con_prob_weighted", "cosine" similarity, "count_directed" (i.e number of cooccurrences) and "count_undirected" (same as count_directed, but returned as an undirected network, chi2 (chi-square score))
#' @param context_level Determine whether features need to co-occurr within "documents" or "sentences"
#' @param backbone If True, add an edge attribute for the backbone alpha
#' @param n.batches If a number, perform the calculation in batches
#' @return an Igraph graph in which nodes are features and edges are similarity scores
#' @export
#' @examples
#' text = c('A B C', 'D E F. G H I', 'A D', 'GGG')
#' tc = create_tcorpus(text, doc_id = c('a','b','c','d'), split_sentences = TRUE)
#' g = semnet(tc, 'token')
#' g
#' igraph::get.data.frame(g)
#' \donttest{plot_semnet(g)}
semnet <- function(tc, feature='token', measure=c('con_prob', 'con_prob_weighted', 'cosine', 'count_directed', 'count_undirected', 'chi2'), context_level=c('document','sentence'), backbone=F, n.batches=NA){
  alpha = 2
  measure = match.arg(measure)
  context_level = match.arg(context_level)

  if (!inherits(tc, 'tCorpus') && !inherits(tc, 'featureHits') && !inherits(tc, 'contextHits')) stop('tc has to be a tCorpus, featureHits or contextHits object')

  if (inherits(tc, 'featureHits') || inherits(tc, 'contextHits')) {
    sentence_col = if (anyNA(tc$hits$sentence)) NULL else 'sentence'
    hits = tc$hits
    if (inherits(tc, 'contextHits')) {
      hits$hit_id = 1:nrow(hits)
      hits$token_id = 1:nrow(hits) ## doesn't matter for document/sentence level semnet
    if (context_level == 'sentence') {
      hits = unique(hits, by=c('code','sentence','hit_id'))
    } else {
      hits = unique(hits, by=c('code', 'hit_id'))
    ## tcorpus normally doesn't allow duplicate token_id, so this ignores that by adding an insignificant decimal
    ## should solve more elegantly at some point
    hits$token_id = hits$token_id + ((1:nrow(hits)) / nrow(hits)*3)
    tc = tokens_to_tcorpus(hits, doc_col = 'doc_id', sentence_col=NULL, token_id_col = 'token_id')
    feature = 'code'
  feature = match.arg(feature, tc$feature_names)

  g = create_semnet(tc, feature, measure=measure, matrix_mode='dtm', context_level=context_level, n.batches=n.batches, alpha=alpha)

  if (backbone) igraph::E(g)$alpha = backbone_alpha(g)
  g$measure = measure

  class(g) = c('semnet', 'dtm_cooc', measure, class(g))

# A sliding window approach to calculate the co-occurence of tokens

#' Create a semantic network based on the co-occurence of tokens in token windows
#' @description
#' This function calculates the co-occurence of features and returns a network/graph
#' in the igraph format, where nodes are tokens and edges represent the similarity/adjacency of tokens.
#' Co-occurence is calcuated based on how often two tokens co-occurr within a given token distance.
#' If a featureHits object is given as input, then for for query hits that have multiple positions (i.e. terms
#' connected with AND statements or word proximity) the raw count score is biased. For the count_* measures
#' therefore only the first position of the query hit is used.
#' @param tc      a tCorpus or a featureHits object (i.e. the result of search_features)
#' @param feature The name of the feature column
#' @param measure The similarity measure. Currently supports: "con_prob" (conditional probability),
#'                "cosine" similarity, "count_directed" (i.e number of cooccurrences) and "count_undirected"
#'                (same as count_directed, but returned as an undirected network, chi2 (chi-square score))
#' @param context_level Determine whether features need to co-occurr within "documents" or "sentences"
#' @param window.size The token distance within which features are considered to co-occurr
#' @param direction Determine whether co-occurrence is assymmetricsl ("<>") or takes the order of tokens
#'                  into account. If direction is '<', then the from/x feature needs to occur before the
#'                  to/y feature. If direction is '>', then after.
#' @param backbone If True, add an edge attribute for the backbone alpha
#' @param n.batches To limit memory use the calculation is divided into batches. This parameter controls
#'                  the number of batches.
#' @param matrix_mode There are two approaches for calculating window co-occurrence (see details). By
#'                    default we use positionXmatrix, but matrixXmatrix is optional because it might
#'                    be favourable for some uses, and might make more sense for cosine similarity.
#' @details
#' There are two approaches for calculating window co-occurrence.
#' One is to measure how often a feature occurs within a given token window, which
#' can be calculating by calculating the inner product of a matrix that contains the
#' exact position of features and a matrix that contains the occurrence window.
#' We refer to this as the "positionXwindow" mode. Alternatively, we can measure how
#' much the windows of features overlap, for which take the inner product of two window
#' matrices, which we call the "windowXwindow" mode. The positionXwindow approach has the advantage
#' of being easy to interpret (e.g. how likely is feature "Y" to occurr within 10
#' tokens from feature "X"?). The windowXwindow mode, on the other hand, has the interesting
#' feature that similarity is stronger if tokens co-occurr more closely together
#' (since then their windows overlap more), but this only works well for similarity measures that
#' normalize the similarity (e.g., cosine). Currently, we only use the positionXwindow mode,
#' but windowXwindow could be interesting to use as well, and for cosine it might actually make more
#' sense.
#' @return an Igraph graph in which nodes are features and edges are similarity scores
#' @export
#' @examples
#' text = c('A B C', 'D E F. G H I', 'A D', 'GGG')
#' tc = create_tcorpus(text, doc_id = c('a','b','c','d'), split_sentences = TRUE)
#' g = semnet_window(tc, 'token', window.size = 1)
#' g
#' igraph::get.data.frame(g)
#' \donttest{plot_semnet(g)}
semnet_window <- function(tc, feature='token', measure=c('con_prob', 'cosine', 'count_directed', 'count_undirected', 'chi2'), context_level=c('document','sentence'), window.size=10, direction='<>', backbone=F, n.batches=5, matrix_mode=c('positionXwindow', 'windowXwindow')){
  measure = match.arg(measure)
  context_level = match.arg(context_level)
  matrix_mode = match.arg(matrix_mode)

  if (!inherits(tc, 'tCorpus') && !inherits(tc, 'featureHits')) stop('tc has to be a tCorpus or featureHits object')

  if (inherits(tc, 'featureHits')) {
    sentence_col = if (anyNA(tc$hits$sentence)) NULL else 'sentence'
    hits = tc$hits
    if (measure %in% c('count_directed','count_undirected')) hits = hits[!duplicated(hits[,c('code','hit_id')])]
    ## tcorpus normally doesn't allow duplicate token_id, so this ignores that by adding an insignificant decimal
    ## should solve more elegantly at some point
    hits$token_id = hits$token_id + ((1:nrow(hits)) / nrow(hits)*3)
    tc = tokens_to_tcorpus(hits, doc_col = 'doc_id', sentence_col=NULL, token_id_col = 'token_id')
    feature = 'code'
  feature = match.arg(feature, tc$feature_names)

  #set_matrix_mode = match.arg(set_matrix_mode)
  #if (measure %in% c('cosine')) matrix_mode = 'windowXwindow'
  #if (measure %in% c('con_prob','count_directed','count_undirected','chi2')) matrix_mode='positionXwindow'
  #if (!is.na(set_matrix_mode)) matrix_mode = set_matrix_mode

  ## developer note: might be other interesting combinations. Should we allow the user to specifiy the matrix_mode manually, or decide for them which to use? I'm currently thinking of the latter, but with the set_matrix_mode paramter to override it if wanted
  if (!direction == '<>'){
    if (measure %in% c('cosine','count_undirected')) stop('cannot use assymetrical window with undirected similarity measures')
    if (matrix_mode == 'windowXwindow') stop('cannot use assymetrical window with matrix_mode == windowXwindow')
  g = create_semnet(tc, feature, measure=measure, matrix_mode=matrix_mode, context_level=context_level, window.size=window.size, direction='<>', n.batches=n.batches)

  if (backbone) igraph::E(g)$alpha = backbone_alpha(g)
  g$measure = measure

  class(g) = c('semnet', 'window_cooc', measure, class(g))

create_semnet <- function(tc, feature, measure, matrix_mode, context_level, direction, window.size, n.batches, alpha){
  if (measure == 'cosine') {
    ml = feature_cooccurrence(tc, feature, matrix_mode=matrix_mode, count_mode='normal', mat_stats=c('sum.x','count.x','magnitude.x','magnitude.y'), context_level=context_level, direction=direction, window.size=window.size, n.batches=n.batches, alpha=alpha)
    ml$mat@x = ml$mat@x / (ml$magnitude.x[ml$mat@i+1] * ml$magnitude.y[ml$mat@j+1])
    g = igraph::graph.adjacency(squarify_matrix(ml$mat), mode = 'upper', diag = F, weighted = T)
  if (measure == 'con_prob') {
    ml = feature_cooccurrence(tc, feature, matrix_mode=matrix_mode, count_mode='dicho', mat_stats=c('sum.x'), context_level=context_level, direction=direction, window.size=window.size, n.batches=n.batches, alpha=alpha)
    ml$mat = ml$mat / ml$sum.x
    g = igraph::graph.adjacency(squarify_matrix(ml$mat), mode = 'directed', diag = F, weighted = T)
  if (measure == 'con_prob_weighted') {
    ml = feature_cooccurrence(tc, feature, matrix_mode=matrix_mode, count_mode='prob', mat_stats=c('sum.x'), context_level=context_level, direction=direction, window.size=window.size, n.batches=n.batches, alpha=alpha)
    ml$mat = ml$mat / ml$sum.x
    g = igraph::graph.adjacency(squarify_matrix(ml$mat), mode = 'directed', diag = F, weighted = T)
  if (measure == 'count_directed') {
    ml = feature_cooccurrence(tc, feature, matrix_mode=matrix_mode, count_mode='dicho', mat_stats=c(), context_level=context_level, direction=direction, window.size=window.size, n.batches=n.batches, alpha=alpha)
    g = igraph::graph.adjacency(squarify_matrix(ml$mat), mode = 'directed', diag = F, weighted = T)
  if (measure == 'count_undirected') {
    ml = feature_cooccurrence(tc, feature, matrix_mode=matrix_mode, count_mode='dicho', mat_stats=c(), context_level=context_level, direction=direction, window.size=window.size, n.batches=n.batches, alpha=alpha)
    g = igraph::graph.adjacency(squarify_matrix(ml$mat), mode = 'upper', diag = F, weighted = T)
  if (measure == 'chi2'){
    ## add sign and/or ratio
    ml = feature_cooccurrence(tc, feature, matrix_mode=matrix_mode, count_mode='dicho', mat_stats=c('sum.x','sum.y','nrow'), context_level=context_level, direction=direction, window.size=window.size, n.batches=n.batches, alpha=alpha)

    xtab = data.frame(a = ml$mat@x,                           # x=1, y=1
                      b = ml$sum.x[ml$mat@i+1] - ml$mat@x,    # x=0, y=1
                      c = ml$sum.y[ml$mat@j+1] - ml$mat@x)    # x=1, y=0
    xtab$d = ml$nrow - ((xtab$b + xtab$c) - xtab$a)           # x=0, y=0
    ml$mat@x = calc_chi2(xtab$a, xtab$b, xtab$c, xtab$d, correct=T) ## replace sparse matrix values with chi2
    g = igraph::graph.adjacency(squarify_matrix(ml$mat), mode = 'directed', diag = F, weighted = T)

  ## match frequencies (and if available document frequencies)
  match_i = match(igraph::V(g)$name, names(ml$freq))
  igraph::V(g)$freq = ml$freq[match_i]
  if ('doc_freq' %in% ml) igraph::V(g)$doc_freq = ml$doc_freq[match_i]

DocumentTermMatrix_to_dgTMatrix <- function(dtm){
  sm = spMatrix(nrow(dtm), ncol(dtm), dtm$i, dtm$j, dtm$v)
  rownames(sm) = rownames(dtm)
  colnames(sm) = colnames(dtm)
  methods::as(methods::as(sm, 'generalMatrix'), 'TsparseMatrix')
kasperwelbers/tcorpus documentation built on May 10, 2023, 5:10 p.m.