Man pages for kassambara/ggpubr
'ggplot2' Based Publication Ready Plots

add_summaryAdd Summary Statistics onto a ggplot.
annotate_figureAnnotate Arranged Figure
as_ggplotStoring grid.arrange() arrangeGrob() and plots
as_npcConvert Character Coordinates into Normalized Parent...
axis_scaleChange Axis Scale: log2, log10 and more
background_imageAdd Background Image to ggplot2
bgcolorChange ggplot Panel Background Color
borderSet ggplot Panel Border Line
compare_meansComparison of Means
create_aesCreate Aes Mapping from a List
desc_statbyDescriptive statistics by groups
diff_expressDifferential gene expression analysis results
facetFacet a ggplot into Multiple Panels
fontChange the Appearance of Titles and Axis Labels
gene_citationGene Citation Index
gene_expressionGene Expression Data
geom_bracketAdd Brackets with Labels to a GGPlot
geom_execExecute ggplot2 functions
geom_pwcAdd Pairwise Comparisons P-values to a GGPlot
geom_signifgeom_signif exported from ggsignif package
get_breaksEasy Break Creation for Numeric Axes
get_coordChecks and Returns Data Coordinates from Multiple Input...
get_legendExtract Legends from a ggplot object
get_paletteGenerate Color Palettes
ggaddAdd Summary Statistics or a Geom onto a ggplot
ggadjust_pvalueAdjust p-values Displayed on a GGPlot
ggarrangeArrange Multiple ggplots
ggballoonplotBallon plot
ggbarplotBar plot
ggboxplotBox plot
ggdensityDensity plot
ggdonutchartDonut chart
ggdotchartCleveland's Dot Plots
ggdotplotDot plot
ggecdfEmpirical cumulative density function
ggerrorplotVisualizing Error
ggexportExport ggplots
gghistogramHistogram plot
gglineLine plot
ggmaplotMA-plot from means and log fold changes
ggpairedPlot Paired Data
ggparGraphical parameters
ggparagraphDraw a Paragraph of Text
ggpiePie chart
ggpubr_argsggpubr General Arguments Description
ggpubr_optionsGlobal Options for GGPubr
ggpubr-packageggpubr: 'ggplot2' Based Publication Ready Plots
ggqqplotQQ Plots
ggscatterScatter plot
ggscatterhistScatter Plot with Marginal Histograms
ggsummarystatsGGPLOT with Summary Stats Table Under the Plot
ggtexttableDraw a Textual Table
ggviolinViolin plot
gradient_colorSet Gradient Color
gridsAdd Grids to a ggplot
npc_to_data_coordConvert NPC to Data Coordinates
pipePipe operator
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
rotateRotate a ggplot Horizontally
rotate_axis_textRotate Axes Text
rremoveRemove a ggplot Component
set_paletteSet Color Palette
show_line_typesLine types available in R
show_point_shapesPoint shapes available in R
stat_anova_testAdd Anova Test P-values to a GGPlot
stat_central_tendencyAdd Central Tendency Measures to a GGPLot
stat_chullPlot convex hull of a set of points
stat_compare_meansAdd Mean Comparison P-values to a ggplot
stat_conf_ellipsePlot confidence ellipses.
stat_corAdd Correlation Coefficients with P-values to a Scatter Plot
stat_friedman_testAdd Friedman Test P-values to a GGPlot
stat_kruskal_testAdd Kruskal-Wallis Test P-values to a GGPlot
stat_meanDraw group mean points
stat_overlay_normal_densityOverlay Normal Density Plot
stat_pvalue_manualAdd Manually P-values to a ggplot
stat_regline_equationAdd Regression Line Equation and R-Square to a GGPLOT.
stat_starsAdd Stars to a Scatter Plot
stat_welch_anova_testAdd Welch One-Way ANOVA Test P-values to a GGPlot
text_grobCreate a Text Graphical object
theme_pubrPublication ready theme
theme_transparentCreate a ggplot with Transparent Background
kassambara/ggpubr documentation built on Feb. 15, 2023, 4:09 a.m.