font: Change the Appearance of Titles and Axis Labels

View source: R/font.R

fontR Documentation

Change the Appearance of Titles and Axis Labels


Change the appearance of the main title, subtitle, caption, axis labels and text, as well as the legend title and texts. Wrapper around element_text().


font(object, size = NULL, color = NULL, face = NULL, family = NULL, ...)



character string specifying the plot components. Allowed values include:

  • "title" for the main title

  • "subtitle" for the plot subtitle

  • "caption" for the plot caption

  • "legend.title" for the legend title

  • "legend.text" for the legend text

  • "x", "xlab", or "x.title" for x axis label

  • "y", "ylab", or "y.title" for y axis label

  • "xy", "xylab", "xy.title" or "axis.title" for both x and y axis labels

  • "x.text" for x axis texts (x axis tick labels)

  • "y.text" for y axis texts (y axis tick labels)

  • "xy.text" or "axis.text" for both x and y axis texts


numeric value specifying the font size, (e.g.: size = 12).


character string specifying the font color, (e.g.: color = "red").


the font face or style. Allowed values include one of "plain", "bold", "italic", "bold.italic", (e.g.: face = "bold.italic").


the font family.


other arguments to pass to the function element_text().


# Load data

# Basic plot
p <- ggboxplot(ToothGrowth, x = "dose", y = "len", color = "dose",
              title = "Box Plot created with ggpubr",
              subtitle = "Length by dose",
              caption = "Source: ggpubr",
              xlab ="Dose (mg)", ylab = "Teeth length")

# Change the appearance of titles and labels
p +
 font("title", size = 14, color = "red", face = "bold.italic")+
 font("subtitle", size = 10, color = "orange")+
 font("caption", size = 10, color = "orange")+
 font("xlab", size = 12, color = "blue")+
 font("ylab", size = 12, color = "#993333")+
 font("xy.text", size = 12, color = "gray", face = "bold")

# Change the appearance of legend title and texts
p +
 font("legend.title", color = "blue", face = "bold")+
 font("legend.text", color = "red")

kassambara/ggpubr documentation built on Feb. 15, 2023, 4:09 a.m.