Man pages for kateharborne/SimSpin
SimSpin - A package for the kinematic analysis of galaxy simulations

angmom_galaxyComputing the angular momentum of the particles.
BC03hrBC03hr - Bruzual & Charlot 2003 High-Resolution Spectral...
BC03lrBC03lr - Bruzual & Charlot 2003 Low-Resolution Spectral...
blur_datacubeA function for applying seeing conditions to the mock cube
build_datacubeA function for making a mock spectral/velocity data cube
cen_galaxyCentering the galaxy.
DistanceA class helper function to describe the projected distance to...
Distance-classAn S4 class to represent projected distance to a galaxy
EMILESEMILES - UV-extended E-MILES stellar population models
filt_g_SDSSg-band SDSS filter responses at a range of wavelengths
filt_i_SDSSi-band SDSS filter responses at a range of wavelengths
filt_r_SDSSr-band SDSS filter responses at a range of wavelengths
filt_u_SDSSu-band SDSS filter responses at a range of wavelengths
filt_z_SDSSz-band SDSS filter responses at a range of wavelengths
kpc_per_arcsec-Distance-methodQuery the kpc_per_arcsec of a Distance object
make_simspin_fileReformatting isolated galaxy simulations to contain spectra.
Mpc-Distance-methodQuery the Mpc of a Distance object
observationA class to describe the basic properties of the observation
observing_strategyA class to describe the basic properties of the object being...
obs_galaxyConstructing galaxy observation data from the Gadget output...
plot_agePlotting pretty age images
plot_dispersionPlotting pretty dispersion images
plot_fluxPlotting pretty flux images
plot_h3Plotting pretty higher-order kinematic (h3) images
plot_h4Plotting pretty higher-order kinematic (h4) images
plot_massPlotting pretty mass images
plot_metallicityPlotting pretty metallicity images
plot_OHPlotting pretty log10(O/H) images
plot_particlesPlotting pretty particle number images
plot_SFRPlotting pretty gas SFR images
plot_velocityPlotting pretty velocity images
plot_voronoiPlotting pretty Voronoi bin images
PointingA class to describe the center pointing of the telescope...
Pointing-classAn S4 class to represent the telescope pointing relative to...
sim_analysisA function for measuring the particle properties of the input...
SimSpin-packageSimSpin - A package for the kinematic analysis of galaxy...
telescopeA class to describe the basic properties of the observing...
twist_galaxyTwisting the galaxy relative to the observer.
voronoiA function for Voronoi tessellation of pixels to meet some...
write_simspin_FITSA function for making a mock spectral cube FITS file output
xy_deg-Pointing-methodQuery the xy_deg of a Pointing object
xy_kpc-Pointing-methodQuery the xy_kpc of a Pointing object
z-Distance-methodDistance Query the z of a Distance object
kateharborne/SimSpin documentation built on April 23, 2024, 3:11 p.m.