build_datacube: A function for making a mock spectral/velocity data cube

View source: R/build_datacube.R

build_datacubeR Documentation

A function for making a mock spectral/velocity data cube


The purpose of this function is to generate a mock IFU data cube from a SimSpin file, as generated using the make_simspin_file() function. The data cube produced can be either a spectral cube or a velocity cube.


  verbose = F,
  write_fits = F,
  object_name = "GalaxyID_unknown",
  telescope_name = "SimSpin",
  observer_name = "Anonymous",
  split_save = F,
  cores = 1,
  mass_flag = F,
  voronoi_bin = F,
  vorbin_limit = 10



The path to the location of the SimSpin .Rdata file OR output list from make_simspin_file().


An object of the telescope class describing the specifications of the observing telescope (i.e. field of view, spatial resolution, wavelength resolution, etc.). See telescope help for more details.


An object of the observing_strategy class that describes the properties of the observed simulation (i.e. redshift, inclination, seeing conditions). See observing_strategy help for more details.


String to describe whether cubes output are "spectral", "gas", "sf gas" or "velocity" (as in SimSpin v1) along the z-axis. Default is "spectral".


Default is FALSE. If you would like the code to give updates about its progress, change this parameter to TRUE.


Default is FALSE. If you would like the code to output a FITS file, change this parameter to TRUE.


Optional parameter that describes the path and file name of the FITS file output if write_fits = TRUE. If output_location is specified as just a path, the file name will be auto-generated based on the name of the input simspin_file and the observing conditions and written to the specified directory. If write_fits = TRUE and no output_location is specified, the FITS file name will be auto-generated and written to the same directory as the input simspin_file.


Optional string used in write_simspin_FITS to describe the name of the object observed in FITS header.


Optional string used in write_simspin_FITS to describe the name of the telescope used for observation in FITS header.


Optional string used in write_simspin_FITS to describe the name of the person who ran the observation in FITS header.


Boolean describing whether to split the output from build_datacube() into multiple files while saving to FITS. If TRUE, several FITS files will be saved with file names that reflect their content (i.e."_spectral_cube.FITS", "_velocity_image.FITS", "_flux_images.FITS", etc.). Default option is FALSE.


Float describing the number of cores to run the interpolation and velocity gridding on. Default is 1.


Boolean flag that, when set to TRUE, will compute properties using a mass weighting rather than a luminosity weighting. Default is FALSE.


Boolean flag that, when set to TRUE, will bin pixels into voronoi tessellated cells that contain a minimum number of particles per pixel, specified by vorbin_limit. Default is FALSE.


Integer float that describes the minimum number of particles per pixel within a given bin, only used if voronoi_bin = T.


Returns a list containing four elements:

  1. spectral_cube or velocity_cube - a 3D array containing either a spectral cube or a velocity cube, where the output type is determined by the method selected in the telescope function.

  2. observation - a list containing a summary of the details of the observation (i.e. the output from the function observation()).

  3. raw_images - a list of 2D arrays, where each 2D array represents a raw particle image gridded as for the observation details.

  4. observed_images - NULL or a list of 2D arrays (again, where the output type is determined by the method selected in the telescope function.) containing kinematic images of the collapsed cube. If blur=T, these images will be blurred to the specified amount.

If write_fits = T, a .fits file that contains a the generated cube and relevant header describing the mock observation will also be produced at the specified output_location.


ss_gadget = system.file("extdata", "SimSpin_example_Gadget_spectra.Rdata",
                        package = "SimSpin")
cube = build_datacube(simspin_file = ss_gadget,
                     telescope = telescope(type="SAMI"),
                     observing_strategy = observing_strategy())

kateharborne/SimSpin documentation built on March 27, 2024, 7:10 a.m.