Man pages for kattaoa/oktennis
Tennis Datasets

clean_dataCleans data extracted from ATP player stats website
data_clean_totCleans up a Sackmann point-by-point dataset
extract_dataExtracts and cleans data from the ATP URLs
get_ATP_codeRetrieves ATP Code for each player
get_ATP_urlCreate ATP URL from ATP Code
get_plus_nameReplaces spaces in names with "+"
helloHello, World!
manipulate_dataCreates a dataframe of ATP urls and ATP codes given the names...
pbp_raw_clean.dfCleaned version of Sackmann's 'pbp_raw.df'
pbp_raw.dfPoint-by-point records of tennis matches
playersMatch-wise pairing of 'server1' and 'server2'
players_statsPlayers' Statistics
score_setsIdentifies the winner of each game
split_games_by_setsCreate 5 variables for each set
split_setsSeparates a pbp (point-by-point) string into sets
tennisCleaned game-wise dataset with player statistics
tennis_cleanedCleaned version of 'tennis'
tennis_dataOrganized dataset with STRATEGIC measurement
kattaoa/oktennis documentation built on July 13, 2019, 3:15 p.m.